Chapter 16✨

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Peter readied himself for the duel. Raina stood by his side, reaching his helmet out to him.

'Thanks.' He said.

'Peter, you know I trust you. But I don't trust him. We're going to war, regardless of how this goes.' Raina said, gravely. Peter looked at her and gave her a nod.

'We are. Raina, like last time, please don't throw yourself in too deep. We dodged a bullet last time, I don't know how lucky we'll be this time.' Peter implored, as Raina looked at him with subtle disbelief.

'Peter, my title is literally the Narnian Protector. If I don't protect our troops and you, I'll be a pretty bad one. And I don't like that.' Raina said, giving him the side-eye. Edmund walked up to them.

'You ready?' He asked Peter, who nodded and turned back to Raina.

'Raina, you and Glenstorm will be the duel Marshalls.' He declared as Raina nodded. 'Come on, we should go.'

Peter was in the middle, as Edmund walked on his right, carrying Peter's sheathed sword, and Raina on his left. As they left the How, they were met by raucous applause and cheers from their troops. Raina felt her blood pumping, her adrenaline kicking in as well. Everything became real all of a sudden, the fact that Peter was about to duel to the death with a man who never keeps his word. Her instincts as a protector warned her to keep a close eye on him. As they approached the cobblestone flooring on the field, where the duel was to take place, Raina leaned over and frantically whispered to Peter and Edmund.

'Guys, I have a really bad feeling that Miraz is going to try something. Peter, I need you to be extra vigilant. He's planning something, I know it.' She whispered, as Peter looked back at Miraz who had an evil look on his face.

'Thanks Raina.' Peter muttered as they reached the ground. Glenstorm stood by, nodding to them as they approached, his sword raised up, as they all faced Miraz and his advisors, standing a few meters away.

As they reached, Raina stood at the edge of the cobblestone flooring, as Peter and Edmund walked forward, the former unsheathing his sword from the latter. As he did so, the Narnians cheered for their King.

Miraz leaned over to General Glozelle to whisper something in his ear.

'If it should appear to be going poorly...' He said, gesturing to the crossbow in Glozelle's hands. He looked down before meeting Miraz's eyes.

'Understood, your majesty.' He replied. Raina heard the exchange as she marched forward.

'You will do nothing of the sort.' She growled at them, as her eyes flashed blue and the crossbow crumbled in Glozelle's hands.

'Ahhh!' Glozelle screamed in fear, as Miraz jumped back.

'A fair fight, anything else, it won't be the crossbow that crumbles.' She said, her voice sending shivers down Miraz's spine, as well as Glozelle's.

'Watch your back.' Miraz said, glaring at her.

'Watch your head.' Raina retorted, as she felt someone grab her arm.

'Raina.' Edmund breathed. 'Just get back, please.' He implored as Raina maintained a stare down with Miraz. She finally caved and walked back to where Peter stood. He gave her a questioning glance.

'He was going to cheat.' Raina shrugged. 'I evened the playing field.'

Peter just shook his head. Edmund walked up to him to fix his armour.

'I have full faith in you, Your Majesty.' Glenstorm spoke encouragingly, as Peter nodded to him.

'You'll be fine, Pete.' Raina reassured as she gave him a quick hug. All eyes turned to Edmund.

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