Chapter 6✨

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After walking for some time, the 6 of them reached Beruna, where Telmarines were working. They quickly hid behind a stack of logs, while peeking out at the scene. War machines, catapults, and a bridge were being built, for the purpose of war and further eradication of Narnians. Just as they were observing, two horses rode up, near them, forcing them to crouch low.

'Perhaps this wasn't the best way to go.' Susan mumbled to Peter. He looked around, uncertain. Susan peeked out again, before turning back around with the others.

As everyone made their way back to the cliff, where Lucy claimed to have seen Aslan, Raina hung back. She was trying to figure out how to summon her powers. She broke away from the group, and walked a few ways away.

She closed her eyes and searched deep inside her. Something stirred and warmth engulfed her. She opened her eyes, and she could tell they flashed blue. She looked down at her palms which now glowed with the same blue light. She smiled at the sight, which was soon disrupted by Edmund.

'What are you doing?' He asked, startling her, causing the magic to dissipate. She threw an annoyed glance his way, before gesturing to her now normal palms. He looked down in embarrassment.

'Thanks for that.' She said, pissed off.

'Sorry. Pete's calling for us. He's more pissed than usual.' Edmund spoke, not meeting her eyes.

'Right, coming.' She replied.

'So..' He began, as they walked back.

'So?' She asked, her eyebrows knitted together.

'Did you figure out how to do it? I notice you're not tired like you were earlier when..' Edmund trailed off, as he recalled how she fell into his arms. Raina gulped and met his gaze.

'Yes, I think I know now. I assume I got exhausted because it was instinctual, now if I can control it, I should be fine.' Raina explained and Edmund nodded. They walked in awkward silence back to the cliff, where Peter, Susan, Lucy and Trumpkin were waiting. Peter sent a glare their way.

'Where were you guys? Can't you stick to the group? What if you get lost?' He asked, slightly exasperated. Raina met his gaze before walking up to him.

'I was trying to figure out how to use my powers. I assume that's important. Don't you?' She said, unflinching under Peter's gaze. Everyone was a little stunned.

Something was different about Raina. She was more confident. She was already frustrated with Peter's ego coming in the way of every decision that had to be made. As the Narnian Protector, she is entitled to respect which Peter didn't seem to give, and Raina's patience was wearing thin.

Peter backed down slightly before speaking again.

'Sorry. Did you figure it out? Do you feel alright?' He asked, softly, his voice with concern. Raina too softened.

'Yes, I think earlier since it was wrenched out of me, I felt tired but now I'm fine. I think I just need to be prepared to use it, instead of it coming out of me at the last minute.' She spoke. Peter nodded, before turning to Lucy, who was staring out at the other cliff, sadly.

'So, where exactly did you say you saw Aslan?' He asked, uncertainty in his voice.

Lucy turned around, and from her face it was clear she was fed up.

'I wish you'd all try to stop trying to sound like grown ups.' She said, anger in her voice. 'I didn't think I saw him, I did see him.' she continued, as she walked towards the edge of the cliff.

'I am a grown up.' Trumpkin said, as Raina struggled not to laugh, as did Edmund.

'It was right over-AHHHH' Lucy started but then screamed, as she fell through the ground.

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