Chapter 8✨

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Caspian led everyone through the forest. He and Peter were ahead, discussing the plan of action. He informed Peter that war preparations were underway at a place known as 'Aslan's How'.

Raina walked next to Lucy and Reepicheep. Raina snuck a glance at Edmund, who was ahead of her, which lingered a moment longer than necessary. She began recalling how protective he was of her earlier. It made her feel warm, and confused at the same time. As she dealt with this dilemma, she forgot to avert her gaze, and of course, Lucy took note of it.

'Raina, your display back there? I'm 100% sure everyone's afraid of you now. You looked like a Queen though.'  Lucy laughed. Raina put on an offended expression.

'Hey, that wasn't the goal.' Raina defended. Lucy raised her eyebrows.

'Okay, well maybe not the only goal. I just don't like having my abilities questioned. But thanks Lucy.' Raina admitted and smiled.

'My Lady, there is ne'er a soul that doubts your ability. We all know of your strength. I noticed your fighting abilities, you are very good but I dare say you could brush up on your offenses which I am very skilled at.' Reepicheep told her. 'I don't mean to assume, but back in the day you were a skilled sword fighter.'

'I would be honoured.' Raina smiled. 'Reepicheep, that's a life which I don't seem to remember much of. Perhaps that is why my skills are somewhat rusty.' Raina explained as Reepicheep continued.

'I understand, I am here if you would like to brush up on your skills! There was a time I believed you were dead, I sincerely apologise. But I had hope. By Aslan, you have returned after thousands of years.' Raina smiled. Suddenly, shock took over her features.

'Wait..does that mean.. I'm how many years old?!' Raina asked in disbelief.

'Well, in Narnia, based on the legend you should be around 2300 years old. Back home you're still 15.' Lucy replied, nonchalantly.

Edmund turned around at this.

'It's alright, Raina. In Narnia, we're 1300 years old.' He told her, casually. Raina's eyes widened for the millionth time that day.

'Way to call me old, Ed.' Raina rolled her eyes.

'By the by..' Edmund began. 'Way to shut Caspian up. He looked like he was going to faint. So did everyone else. Have you become evil or something?' Edmund asked, jokingly. Raina swatted his arm.

'Well, I wanted to show that I'm not to be trifled with. Maybe I went a tad bit overboard?' Raina said, innocently. Edmund gave her a look that said 'you think?'

'Besides, I'm glad you did that. You're a force, Raina.' Edmund spoke, sincerely. Raina smiled and felt the blood rush to her cheeks, again.

'Thanks, Ed.'

They stared at each other again. Raina was having an actual battle between her head and her heart, trying to tear herself away from Edmund's piercing gaze. She also recalled how she observed him staring at her, when she opened her hair back there. It was a power move in her mind, but to Edmund? It was something else. Raina's heart ached to be closer to him, as her head screamed at her to pull away.

Someone cleared their throat behind them. It was Reepicheep, and Lucy, who stood next to him, was almost red in the face trying to suppress her laughter. Raina rolled her eyes.

'Alright, have at it, Lu. Let it out.' Raina said, annoyed and amused. Lucy let out a loud laugh, catching everyone by surprise. Edmund stared at his sister, strangely.

'Lu, what are you laughing at?' Edmund asked. Lucy just eyed him and Raina. Raina knew what she was talking about, the conversation she started early that morning, and it was officially too awkward.

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