Chapter 19✨

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The war between the Narnians and the Telmarines had finally come to an end. To say it was a relief was an understatement. The war was bloody, no doubt, but with the help of the Pevensies, Raina and Caspian, peace could finally be restored between the two kingdoms. Caspian was declared King of Narnia by Aslan right after the battle, and Raina was declared Queen. She was to be crowned, along with Caspian in some time, after the kingdom had begun its recovery. For the time being, Caspian arranged for the Pevensies, Raina and as many Narnians as possible, to take shelter in the Telmarine castle.

As Raina entered the castle, she couldn't help but gawk at its massive size. Sure, she had already been there before, but it was only on a tower, and for a night raid, not spending time there like a vacation. She and the Pevensies were given rooms fairly close to one another, Edmund's being the farthest from hers. He grumbled once he found out and turned to Caspian.

'I know what you're doing..' Edmund commented, as Caspian laughed heartily.

'I really don't think that'll stop you, but regardless.' Caspian shrugged, as he walked off laughing to himself.

As everyone settled into their rooms, a doctor was called in to check everyone for their injuries. While the majority was just a few cuts, scrapes and bruises, there were some more serious ones. Peter's arm had largely healed because of Raina, but he still needed to ice it and keep in a sling. Raina got the worst of all, a large stab wound through her chest. She did not even look at herself as the doctor examined it, and began the healing process.

'Can I use my powers to heal this? It worked for others before..' She asked, curiously.

'I would ideally suggest not, but if you feel strong enough, you can give it a shot. It's a nasty wound.' The doctor replied as he readied some medicinal herbs.

Raina sucked in a deep breath, and closed her eyes. She envisioned the wound on her chest, as she willed it into healing. She opened her eyes, and felt them flash golden. She felt as the wound began to slowly close up, but it ceased abruptly, as she clutched her head.

'Urgh..maybe I'll stick to the long healing process for now..' She groaned as the doctor chuckled.

'As I expected, here, you must take these every day after every meal. In a few weeks you should be completely healed. You have already closed up a part of the wound. Do not fret, you shall be fine, dear.' The old man said, kindly as he wrapped gauze around the wound. He  picked up his things and left the room.

Someone knocked at the door.

'It's open, come in!' Raina called out.

Susan and Lucy walked in. They had wide smiles on their faces.

'Uh oh.' Raina breathed.

'TELL. US. EVERYTHING.' Lucy piped up excitedly, as she walked over to where Raina was sitting on her bed. Susan crossed her arms as she stared Raina down.

'I knew something was going on, and you didn't tell us girls? I'm hurt.' She said, sarcastically. Raina facepalmed herself as she turned to them.

'Alright, what do you want to know?' Raina asked. Lucy looked to Susan, before turning back to Raina.

'When did this happen, where did this happen, how did this happen, what happened?' Lucy rattled on.

'Okay okay, so the night before the battle, we were just sitting around, and suddenly I was able to read Ed's thoughts.' Raina explained as Lucy's eyes widened.

'Wait, you can read minds?! That's so cool!' Lucy exclaimed. Raina laughed at her reaction.

'Well, what did you read exactly?' Susan asked, smirking.

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