Chapter 21✨

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The day of Caspian's and Raina's coronation had arrived.

It was a busy day at the Telmarine Castle, as Raina and Caspian readied themselves for it. Raina's room was a mess. Gowns, accessories, capes and what not were all scattered around her room. Raina was yet to decide which gown she would wear, and she was to be in the throne room in less than an hour.

'Why don't you try the white one, Your Excellency? It also comes with a cape!' Genevieve proposed. The white gown was certainly beautiful, with gold detailing.

Raina observed the gown. She clutched her head in frustration over not being able to decide.

'Urgh who knew choosing what to wear would cause so much havoc.' She grumbled.

'Raina! Are you ready- Oh my word.' Susan said, as she and Lucy entered Raina's room.

'I can't tell if this is a room in a castle or a seamstress' floor.' Lucy commented.

'Not helping.' Raina groaned.

'Okay, okay, why don't you show us your top two choices?' Susan asked.

Raina nodded and displayed her top choices. The first was a simple dark blue cold shoulder gown. It wasn't the fanciest but it still had an aura of royalty. The second was the white gown with gold detailing and it's own cape. This was definitely fancier, but it wasn't too tacky or 'in your face'. Susan and Lucy mulled it over.

 Susan and Lucy mulled it over

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'I love the white, it's so regal and gorgeous it would suit you so well!' Susan commented

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'I love the white, it's so regal and gorgeous it would suit you so well!' Susan commented.

'But the blue is so understated and elegant, it's perfect for you!' Lucy retorted.

'Again, not helping.' Raina glared.

'Raina, you've got less than 20 minutes to get ready. We have to go to the throne room. I hope you'll decide FAST.' Susan said, hurriedly, tugging Lucy out of the room with her.

Raina flopped down on her bed, staring at the ceiling as she let out a loud groan.


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