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Just as they stepped into the portal, the landscape changed from a castle ground to the train station in England. It's like they blinked their eyes and everything was gone. Raina clutched Edmund's hand for dear life as they returned to their world. Just as they ended up in front of the bench where they left, Lucy turned back around to see the portal gone. She had a sad look on her face. Raina looked down to see her uniform back on, the same for the other children. The train was yet to roll into the station. Raina felt a weight around her neck, as she looked down to discover a necklace. Edmund noticed.

'Is that..' He trailed off.

Raina just stared at the pendant, which was no longer the intricate purple pendant

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Raina just stared at the pendant, which was no longer the intricate purple pendant. It was now a small, blue crystal pendant on a gold chain. It was much smaller than before. Just as Raina's fingers grazed it, a small glow came from within, causing her to jerk her hand away. The rest of Pevensies noticed the glow.

'Wow you got to bring it back, with you?' Peter asked, surprised.

'I thought you couldn't take anything out of Narnia..' Susan mused.

'But Raina's like a goddess there, right? And technically the necklace belongs to her..' Lucy replied, as Raina just stared at the necklace.

'Wait, Aslan said I have my powers in this world too..' She said, her eyes widening.

'Guys, come with me.' She dragged Edmund and Susan, as Peter and Lucy followed. They came to a small, abandoned corner of the station.

'Guys, just form a wall around me. I don't think anyone else needs to discover I'm an immortal demigod.' Raina whispered, as everyone's eyes widened, specifically Edmund's.

'You're immortal?!' He whisper-yelled.

'We'll talk about this later. Let me see if this works.' She hurriedly replied. As the rest of them formed a wall around her. She quickly closed her eyes, and felt the telltale coursing of power through her. She opened her eyes, and everyone looked shocked as they were now blue. Her palms again began to glow with the telltale blue light, as she smiled.

'Oi! What are you lot doing?' A guard suddenly yelled, causing everyone to get startled, as Raina quickly dissipated the light she summoned and put on an innocent face as she stood next to Edmund.

'Nothing Sir! We'll be on our way!' Peter chirped, as he rushed all of them out of the small space, into the main area just as the train began to roll into the station.

'Damn, you have powers here too then?' Susan asked. Raina shrugged.

'I mean, Aslan did tell me I would...' She mused.

Edmund suddenly walked off towards a bench some distance away and brought Raina's bag.

'Wouldn't want you to lose it in all the hubbub.' He explained. Raina blushed as she reached for it, when he moved away. She gave him a questioning look.

maybe this time (e.p. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now