Chapter 5✨

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Trumpkin started to fill everyone in. From Prince Caspian blowing Susan's horn that brought them to Narnia, to his capture by the Telmarines, and Caspian's plan to rally the remaining Narnians into removing the Telmarines from power, and vowing to restore the Narnians their freedom. There were many instances where Raina was lost, so she had to be filled in.

The power that Raina summoned both times drew a great deal of energy, which started to affect her again. As everyone was discussing the plan of action, she began swaying on her feet.

'I need a moment, please excuse me.' She said, before taking off towards the water.

She sat down too fast for her liking, and twisted her ankle. She almost yelped in pain, but didn't want anyone to worry. She just winced and let out a small, muffled scream. She didn't realise that Edmund had followed her to make sure she was alright, and noticed her little accident.

'What'd you hurt this time?' He asked, both sarcastically and with concern. Raina looked up, surprised, but relaxed when she saw Edmund.

'Nothing nothing, just taking it all in.' She spoke.

Edmund came and sat down next to her. He eyed her closely, as she maintained eye contact with the ground. Raina was rarely able to look him in the eye. Everyone attributed that to her introvertedness, which was true, if not the sole reason.

'Hey, are you alright?' Edmund asked softly.

She finally looked up, and met his gaze. She sighed.

'I don't know. In the last hour, I entered a new world, where my friends are kings and queens, found out I'm some all powerful being, and I even used power that I never knew I had on two soldiers, who were trying to drown a dwarf. I even killed one of them. 'Too much' is a gross understatement for this.' Raina replied, doubt and fear in her voice. She killed another human, and the gravity of it began to set in. Edmund noticed and he took her hands and stood her up.

'Ow.' She winced as she put force on her twisted ankle.

'I knew it, let me see that.' Edmund spoke, gesturing to her ankle.

'You don't have to do that, Ed..' Raina said, sadly.

'What do you mean?' He asked, confused and a little sad.

Raina wanted to rant about how she was hurt when the Pevensies stopped talking to her, how they pretty much forgot about her after they were sent away during the war. The hurt and the frustration of it all began bubbling to the surface, as she tried to steady her breathing. The pain in her ankle began to lessen, and she straightened herself before looking at Edmund again.

'You know what? It's alright, it doesn't hurt that bad. Come on, we should go.' She tried to say confidently, but doubt was in her voice, and she wondered if he noticed. He did, but he didn't have time to question it.

'Raina! Ed!' Peter called out.

'Come on.' Raina spoke, as she walked back to the group, wincing. Edmund reached for her but she moved away, her lips pursed together as she tried to deal with the pain on her ankle.

'We need to find Caspian. Do you know where he is?' Peter asked Trumpkin, who grunted.

'Follow me.' He said, as he took off. The five teenagers followed, Peter in the front, Lucy and Susan in the middle and Raina and Edmund trailing behind.

'Raina, is everything okay?' He asked again.

It was getting harder and harder for Raina not to yell at him, but she looked at him, and gave him a faint smile.

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