Chapter 10✨

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Raina kept a distance from Edmund after their mini-blowout in the forest. She was very observant, and she knew that her words had an impact on him. Everyone else seemed to notice the air of slight animosity between them, well, more like why they aren't as close anymore. She really wished Edmund told her what happened, and why they stopped talking. It wasn't rocket science that it had something to do with the first time he came to Narnia.

Raina's mother fell ill about 3 years ago. She was in hospital for months, and was then sent to the States for treatments. Her father left soon after, to fight in the war. Who knows if he's alive, so she lived with her grandmother, until she left for the countryside during the evacuation. Once she returned, she lived with her grandmother again. Edmund was often the only person she confided in. Losing him was an arrow to the heart. She wasn't nearly as hurt over losing the others, well of course she was hurt, but for some reason, losing Edmund hurt a great deal. She didn't dwell on it for long, because she decided to start training for the night raid. After her spar with Edmund, she decided to take on Peter as well.

'Are you sure you want to do this?' Peter asked, worriedly. Raina just rolled her eyes.

'For the thousandth time, Peter, yes. There's some stuff I need to work out.' She replied, annoyed and hurt. Peter nodded.

They got into a fighting stance. Peter made the first move, as he swung high and Raina parried. Their swords were locked in an X-formation as neither were able to advance on each other. Raina twirled away and struck low, which Peter jumped over, as he struck again, and forced her back, as he attempted to disarm her. Raina jumped out of the way, and as he got closer, she swiped his ankles with her leg, and he toppled to the floor, his sword thrown out of his reach, as she levelled the tip of her sword at his neck. To say he was awestruck was an understatement.

'Wow.' Was all Peter could muster. Raina smiled, as she helped him to his feet.

'Thanks, I know.' Raina said as she laughed slightly.

'You're good, and I see you've already got a signature move.' Peter laughed, as Raina smiled coyly.

'I thought it seemed badass.' Raina shrugged.

'Don't worry, it is.' The two shared a laugh.


Preparations for the night raid on the telmarine castle were well underway. They were to leave in a few hours. Raina was still angry with Peter over this, but she decided to ignore it and focus on the safety of every Narnian. Peter explained that as someone with powers, she shouldn't be too deep in the fray because she could get overwhelmed, especially since it was her first battle.

'Peter, but I can help! I'm supposed to ensure everyone's safety! That's literally what I'm here for.' Raina said, exasperated.

'Which is why, you should be with Edmund on the towers, keeping a watch on what's happening. When it is needed, you can step in, without putting yourself in mortal risk. Besides, you don't want to be fainting because of too much power, now do you?' Peter asked, with an eyebrow cocked. Raina huffed, wanting to disagree, also because she didn't want to be in close proximity to Edmund, but nodded, knowing he was right.

'And Raina?'


'I know you and Edmund are on the outs..' He began, as Raina sighed.

'Peter, nothing will happen to him on my watch, even if he isn't my favourite person right now. I'd much rather do that myself.' Raina shrugged as Peter laughed.

'Raina, are we cool?'

Raina mulled it over.

'Let's talk when we get back, alright? I'm too jittery to focus on anything right now.'

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