Chapter 11✨

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Raina began stirring sometime later. They still hadn't reached Aslan's How as yet. It appeared to be early morning, as sun rays were making their way through the dark sky. Edmund noticed Raina stir, and sat up straight.

'Raina, hey, are you okay?' He asked, softly with concern.

She slowly tried to sit up, as Edmund assisted her, with a hand on her back. She clutched her head, and felt a jolt of pain in her shoulder.

'OUCH!' She yelled, as she looked down at her shoulder. A piece of cloth was wrapped around the wound.

'I'm so sorry..' He whispered, apologetically. Raina took notice of his now torn tunic.

'It's okay, it doesn't hurt that bad, I don't think...' Raina practically croaked. They were still flying.

'Can we get back on land please?' She barely choked out, exhaustion still prevalent. Edmund nodded, furiously, as he directed the gryphon to fly down. He noticed Caspian and his professor on horseback.

Once he landed, he picked Raina up in his arms carefully, and called out to Caspian.

'Caspian! We need help.'

He immediately turned around and paled at the sight of Edmund carrying an injured Raina. He swiftly dismounted his horse, and assisted Edmund in placing her on horseback, being careful to not hurt her. Edmund sat behind her to steady her.

'Ed?' Raina whispered.

'I'm here, Raina.' Edmund spoke, quietly, as he held her hand in his.

'Something doesn't feel right...' She spoke as she sat up straighter.

'What do you mean?' Edmund asked, worriedly. She wasn't able to answer as she drifted in and out of consciousness.

Caspian's professor pulled up near the two.

'Your Highness, I am Doctor Cornelius. Perhaps I may be of assistance?' He asked, as Edmund nodded.

Doctor Cornelius carefully took out the cloth that was wrapped around Raina's wound, and studied it. After a few moments, his face began to pale.

'Professor, what's wrong? I don't like that look.' Caspian asked, worriedly.

'This wasn't just a normal arrow wound..' He began. Edmund and Caspian looked at each other before squinting at him.

'The arrow was dipped in poison.' He replied, worried.

Edmund's heart dropped, as Caspian's eyes widened. They were nearing Aslan's How, as it could be seen in the distance.

'It is spreading. Since she is not mortal, she has not succumbed, but this poison is strong. It may not kill her immediately, but it may put her in a coma, permanently. Possibly worse.' Cornelius explained, gravely.

If Edmund ever had a nightmare, this would be it. His last conversation with Raina was a fight, they were on bad terms, and now he watched the life drain out of her. The fact that he hadn't completely broken down surprised him.

'We need Lucy's cordial.' He spoke. trying to keep his voice level.

He urged the horse to go faster, yet maintaining a protective embrace around Raina, whose breaths were becoming shallower.

'Ed, I don't know what's happening..' Raina whispered, painfully. Edmund's eyes threatened to water but he pushed them back.

'Raina, hang on. You're going to be okay. I promise.' He held her hand, and squeezed it. He felt her hands grow cold. He passed Peter and Susan in the front, as they called out.

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