Chapter 18✨

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Everything was a blur. As Glozelle went down, Raina gasped for breath as she bled. She tried to use her new healing power, but she was too tired and she was losing her grip on everything. Her swords fell out of her hands, as she vaguely noted a man made of water taking Lord Sopespian down, as the Narnians emerged victorious. She lay on the floor, limp. She placed her hand on her wound, and it was covered with blood. Her eyelids grew heavy.

She was suddenly back where she was with Jadis thousands of years ago. She felt herself leave her mortal body. She mentally whispered, but not to Aslan.

On the river banks, everything calmed as the Telmarines surrendered. Aslan had returned, with Lucy, as Edmund stood with Peter, Susan and Caspian. They heaved sighs of relief. It was over.

'We did it, we won.' Edmund sighed.

Edmund suddenly heard a shrill ringing sound, as he clutched his head. He stumbled, almost falling into the river.

'Ed! What happened?' Peter asked, worriedly, steadying his brother.

Edmund didn't respond. The ringing dulled down, as he heard a voice in his head. A faint whisper, desperate.

'Ed..please help..I'm just-' It choked out.

There was only one person he knew with that voice, which he could recognise in his sleep.

'Ed! What's wrong?! Are you hurt?' Susan asked, when Edmund grabbed his sword and ran towards the tree line. He called her name.

'Raina! Raina, where are you?!' He screamed, Peter and Caspian hot on his heels.

'Raina!' Peter called out, his eyebrows knitted in worry.

The three boys kept looking for her, when Edmund's eyes landed on something a few ways away. A sword.
Edmund picked it up, as his eyes widened.

Raina's sword.

Edmund took off, calling out to her repeatedly. He noticed someone lying on the ground, near a tree.

' no no no no..' Edmund thought it himself. 'Please let it not be..'

As he came closer, his eyes fell upon Raina's face, contorted in pain, her eyes squeezed shut.

'RAINA!' Edmund screamed, as he ran to her and dropped to his knees, and cradled her against his chest. He saw a large wound in her chest, as she was bleeding out rapidly.

'Ed...' She choked out, 'Sorry, I a headache and Gl-Glozelle he-' She couldn't complete her sentence as a violent cough ripped through her.

'Hey hey, it's okay, you're going to be okay.' He turned back to where Peter and Caspian were still looking.

'PETER! CASPIAN! WE NEED HELP!' He yelled at the top of his voice. As they turned around, their hearts collectively dropped at the sight of Raina on the ground. They quickly made their way over to Edmund, who was holding Raina in his arms.

'We need to get to Lucy.' Peter urged, as Edmund nodded furiously. Caspian quickly called a few centaurs over to assist them. The centaurs helped carry Raina above the water, to the other side. Edmund rushed forward, and took her in his arms.

'Edmund..this is not how...I planned on...spending today..' She let out a weak chuckle.

'It's not over yet.' Edmund maintained.

'Lucy!' Susan called out, but Lucy was standing some distance away, laughing at something Aslan said.

Raina's breaths were getting fainter. Her eyes were fluttering closed, as Edmund carried her.

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