Chapter 13✨

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Night had fallen, as everyone retired to the sleeping chambers. A few Narnians stood at the top of the How as well as on the ground, as they kept guard. It seemed almost peaceful, despite the fact that war was two feet away.

Raina was tossing and turning for what she thought was hours, but was actually much less. She dozed off, but then saw the dream again. The vision she had shook her, and she couldn't get the feeling of dying out of her mind. It was like any time she closed her eyes, there it was again. She watched Jadis freeze her and push her off a cliff. She jerked awake, panting hard. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears, her vision swam in and out of focus for a moment, as she heard a ringing noise.

She shook herself, and decided to take a walk. As she got up, she was wearing a thick, maroon gown and it wasn't something she was used to wearing. She spotted an oversized tunic and pants, a few ways away from her, as she decided to change into that. She instantly felt better in it, as it was loose and comfortable. It was dark outside, and everyone was asleep, so she quietly crept out of the chambers, summoning a small flame in her palm to light the way ahead. The glow of the fire on her face made her feel warm. She walked to the top of Aslan's How, where she found two fauns standing guard. They bowed to her, when she insisted they didn't, and slept for some time, insisting the same for the scouts keeping guard downstairs as well. She made it clear she wouldn't take no for an answer.

Once they left, Raina stood silently, watching the night sky twinkle with stars, the moon shining brightly. She was an avid stargazer even back home. Something about the stretch of dark sky with stars was calming to her. She felt a presence behind her, as she sighed.

'You know you'd get a better view from here, right? Instead of hiding there?' She stated, as Edmund came out from the shadows, sheepishly.

'Why were you hiding?' She asked, curiously.

'I-I didn't want to scare you.' He admitted. His eyes fell upon the ember of fire in her palm. It fizzled a moment later.

'I didn't want to bump into something or fall and wake everyone up.' She shrugged.

Edmund's eyes travelled to Raina's clothes. He had a strange look in his eyes.

'Oh! I'm not really a gown kind of girl, and I was getting uncomfortable and I'm sure Peter wouldn't mind me stealing this for some time, would he?' Raina asked, as Edmund met her gaze.

'Actually...that's mine.' He said, as he grinned sheepishly. Raina's eyes widened as she blushed.

'Oh, I'm so sorry, I can change out of it if you want-' Edmund cut her off.

'Don't. It looks better on you.'

Raina's eyes locked with his and she smiled, slightly.

'Thanks, I'm keeping it.' She grinned, victoriously as Edmund laughed.

'Feel free.'

The pair sat down on the edge, their legs dangling in the air. A comfortable silence settled over them as they admired the stars. Edmund knew how much Raina loved the stars, so he did not say a word, except look over at her every now and then, and smile at the way she marvelled at the sight of a starry night sky.

The moonlight fell upon the How, enveloping everything and everyone near it. Raina observed the way the moonlight hit Edmund's face, highlighting his freckles, his dark brown eyes, and the small smile on his lips. Raina couldn't help but smile too. She was so focused on staying away from him, to forget him, that she didn't realise how easily he flustered her and how she heard her heart speed up just by observing him. He was her friend, no doubt, but somewhere along the way, she unconsciously saw him as something more, but she dared not act on it. Two years ago, when he walked into her life, she never imagined him morphing into the enigma he became now.

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