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hi guys!!

the sequel is officially up! the prologue and chapter 1 has just been posted!!

the sequel is officially up! the prologue and chapter 1 has just been posted!!

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the sequel is titled 'definitely this time'. i really hope that once you complete 'maybe this time' you'll check it out as well! there's no way i'm about to say goodbye to edaina just yet.

the sequel will ofc be based on the voyage of the dawn treader, and i would like to note that this book will be considerably darker. if you've finished 'maybe this time', you'll notice that the book ended on a very dark note. the sequel will build on that and create tension.

interestingly, i'm channelling some of my own unresolved pain through this book, itself. that's how i started writing. i try to deal through that and it mostly helps, i'd like to think. plus i get to imagine cute scenarios with the man who's been the loml for over a decade.

the sequel will be updated as much as possible, similar to the way 'maybe this time' was written. there may be impulsive updates every other day, or even an update ever two weeks, who knows. but i hope you'll read it nonetheless.

i really hope you've enjoyed 'maybe this time' and i look forward to seeing you guys in the sequel!!

i love you all <33

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