Chapter 9✨

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Raina stomped out of Aslan's How, onto the field, her arms crossed against her chest. She abruptly stopped, and let out a huff. Why is Peter acting like this? He was never this way. Raina wondered to herself. It seemed Peter was more focused on exerting his position, than he was at doing his job. Clearly he's going ahead with his plan for a night raid, as an uneasy feeling settles over Raina's stomach. As Narnia's protector, she has to ensure the safety of every Narnian, no matter what. So if Peter is to barge into enemy territory with limited troops, it's her responsibility to maintain their safety. And to do that, she needs practice.

'Raina?' Edmund called out. She jumped slightly.

'Edmund.' She turned around.

'For what it's worth, I agree with what you said.' He said, softly. Raina gave him a tight lipped smile.

'If only Peter did.' She huffed in frustration.

'He's not in an ideal state right now.' Edmund began.

'Well, as King, that shouldn't get in the way of his duties, right?' Raina asked, eyebrows cocked. Edmund shrugged and nodded.

'Well, if he wants to do that, then it's my duty to ensure the safety of every Narnian that accompanies us on the raid. I wouldn't be a good protector if I didn't, now would I?' Edmund laughed slightly at that.

'Let me practice with some of the powers I seem have.' She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She felt herself floating in the air, as Edmund gasped.

'You-You're-' He stuttered, and Raina laughed from her place, few feet above him.

'What? Cat got your tongue?' Edmund began mumbling something to himself.

'Sorry, I can't hear that.' She said, as she used her power to lift him up into the air, when he let out a scream.


'Oh shut up.' Raina responded lazily. 'I'm not letting you break anything on my watch.' She jokingly spoke, as Edmund calmed down.

'It's not so bad, now is it?' Raina asked. Edmund gave her the side eye.

'Whatever happened to you giving me a warning before doing something like this?' He huffed. Raina gave him an innocent look.

'Big deal.' She replied as she brought them back down.

'Hey Raina?' Edmund said.


'I know you already know how to sword fight, and you also, have, well, powers but the last time actually held a sword was over a year ago, so if you want-' Edmund spoke when Raina cut in, already knowing what he was suggesting.

'I'd like that Ed. I also heard that you were an excellent sword fighter, I'd love to see if it's true, or if you started that yourself.' Raina laughed as Edmund looked offended.

'Hey, I am the best sword fighter in Narnia.' He tried to sound serious, but Raina continued to laugh.

'We'll see now won't we?' Raina challenged.

Edmund raised an eyebrow as he smirked. For a split second, Raina's breath got caught in her throat.

'We will.' He said in a low voice, as he unsheathed his sword. Raina followed.

They began to circle each other, warily noting each other's movements.

'I hope you'll put up a better fight than Caspian. Poor guy was out in a minute, tops.' Raina laughed as she spoke.

'Heyyy!' Caspian groaned, a few feet away, watching their fight with an amused smile

Raina turned to him with a questioning look.

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