Chapter 4✨

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The light was blinding, all consuming, almost trapping but freeing. Raina hadn't noticed that she was hovering 5 feet above the ground. Her hair was levitating, and it was as though she was being transformed.

The light dimmed down, as she found herself, rooted where she stood. The Pevensies stared at her in wonder. Everything dawned on Raina as her jaw dropped.

'Well. That happened. I was half expecting glowy eyes, a costume change or wings for that matter, but oh well.' She said bluntly.

Edmund and Lucy couldn't help but laugh a little at her reaction.

'You are it.. you're her.' Peter spoke, awe lacing his voice.

'But how is it possible? How could I be someone like that? It's very hard to believe, if I'm being honest.' Raina spoke sadly.

'Raina, we don't have answers for that, I'm sorry.' Susan said, sadly.

'But look at the bright side! You are The Narnian Protector!! That's huge!' Lucy piped up, excitedly. Raina couldn't help but smile, even though deep down she was afraid.

'So, what does this mean? I can control the elements? I can make a storm come around? Ooh, I can-' Raina was speaking before Peter cut her off.

'Whoa whoa, let's take a deep breath here. First, why don't you try using your powers. Just try anything.' He said calmly.

Raina scrunched up her face, wondering how she was supposed to do something like that. She used arm gestures in an exaggerated manner, but nothing happened. She frowned.

'Well, I guess it's something I'll figure out? I have no idea what I am doing right now.' Raina spoke.


Raina and the others changed into other clothing as their uniforms were still wet from the sea water

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Raina and the others changed into other clothing as their uniforms were still wet from the sea water. Raina felt uncomfortable in the dress she borrowed from Lucy. It was a beautiful white and blue dress, but it was in stark contrast to what she wore prior. She tied half of her hair up with the hair tie Susan lent her. She was staring at the floor when she felt someone tap her shoulder.

'Are you alright?' She looked up, and it was Edmund.

'Oh yeah, absolutely, I'm completely alright, I'm some all-powerful being, who according to your legend, should be thousands of years old, but I'm 15, and from Finchley, here with my friends who are the Kings and Queens, and I land up here through a train station with them, right when I was thinking about the biology test we had this morning, but I'm completely alright.' Raina ended her rant, dripping with sarcasm.

Edmund rolled his eyes briefly before looking at her sympathetically. Something came over him and he hugged her tightly. She was completely taken aback, as she realised that she didn't even hug him back at the station, so this is her first hug from him in over a year. The blood rushed to her cheeks as she hugged him back. Someone cleared their throat, causing Edmund and Raina to jump. They looked up and saw Peter, standing with his arms crossed, trying not to laugh. Susan and Lucy had a similar expression too. Raina caught it and created some distance between her and Edmund, her shy nature taking over.

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