Chapter 12✨

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Edmund took it upon himself to teach Raina sword fighting, because he knew if he didn't, she'd push herself too much and she'd faint, again. He made sure that she took breaks every 20 or so minutes just so she wouldn't get too tired out. Raina knew he was a good sword fighter, but seeing him in action really proved to her just how skilled he was. She watched as he casually disarmed two opponents in a couple of minutes.

'And that is how you outsmart your opponents, especially when they outnumber you.' Edmund concluded, holding two swords, as Raina's eyes widened. He laughed.

'Yes, I know that was very captivating, you're not the only badass around here.' Edmund said, flirtatiously. Raina raised an eyebrow at that. She walked over to him.

'Actually..' She spoke, seductively, causing Edmund to smirk. Raina's eyes flashed pale blue.

'I am.' She said quietly, as she used her power to wrench Edmund's swords out of his hands, and she caught them in hers, pointing them at him.

'Hey, that's cheating!' He groaned. Raina smiled innocently.

'Oh shut up, you'd do the same if you were me.' She replied, as Edmund nodded begrudgingly.

'But I have to say, Ed, you are good. Colour me impressed.' Raina said, sincerely. Edmund smiled at her as a light pink dusting covered his cheeks.

'Thanks Raina, you are too. Besides, you have an edge over everyone, with your whole ancient superpower situation.' Raina laughed at that.

'It's surreal that here I'm not even human, am I?' She asked, curiously. Edmund hummed in response and nodded.

By this point she'd learnt of the powers she wields. Including that of the White Witch. She remembered how Edmund tensed at the mention of her, so she never brought it up in front of him. When she was alone, she'd try to access that power, but was unable to do so, when she wondered how Narnian lore states that there was a possibility that Jadis may have taken the power back. It's strange how she apparently fought her some thousand years ago and yet has no recollection of it. At the time it happened, her name was Ranin, bearing great similarity to her current name. As a gender-neutral name, it was difficult to decipher whether she was male or female all those years ago. There were many gaps to her story. She wondered if they'd ever be filled. She was brought back to reality by the sound of Edmund snapping his fingers.

'Earth to Raina? Where'd you disappear off to?' Edmund jokes, as Raina shook herself.

'Nothing. Also Ed?'


Raina took a deep breath.

'I'm sorry for what I said back in the forest. I shouldn't have blown up at you like that. If you ever want to talk about what happened or anything, I'll always be here.' She said, emotion and sincerity lacing her voice. Edmund looked slightly surprised. When he didn't say anything, she continued.

'Whatever happened, I'd like to think you had a reason for it, and for the record, I could never pretend like you don't exist. You're annoying, stupid, and a total idiot, but..' She paused, noticing his playfully offended expression. 'You're actually not that bad. You've changed too, and I like this new version of you.' Edmund laughed as he looked at her.

'Raina, that means a lot, more than you know. And for the record? You're annoying and stupid, alongside being a colossal idiot.' He laughed as Raina punched his shoulder.

'Ow, what was that for?' He groaned.

'I'm a treat, alright?' Raina tried to put on a serious face, but failed as she burst out laughing. Edmund joined in, as they both collapsed on the grass. Raina's stomach began hurting from the amount of laughing. Edmund was fixated on the sound of her laughter, the way her eyes twinkled with tears, and the way she tried to stop herself from laughing, her lips forming a tight line as she snorted. He fell into a trance. A warm wind blew some leaves at them, as they tried to duck out of the way. Raina noticed Edmund staring at her.

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