Chapter 17✨

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This is it.

The war has begun.

Lord Sopespian turned to his army, claiming treachery on the part of the Narnians. Peter hurriedly turned to the Narnians.

'Be ready!' He exclaimed, as everyone got into a ready stance.

'Peter!' Caspian yelled, as he pointed to something behind him.

Peter and Raina quickly whirled around to see a telmarine soldier rush forward, sword drawn. Raina didn't hesitate to unsheathe her sword and rush forward. She ducked the soldier's blow and slashed his chest, and he went down. Peter nodded to her as she sheathed her sword. Peter quickly turned to Caspian.

'Go!' He yelled, as Caspian ran to his horse, and climbed on. Peter and Edmund, as Kings of Narnia, rushed forward to lead their army, along with Raina. As the Narnian Protector it was her duty to stand on the front lines. They watched as Lord Sopespian and General Glozelle climbed upon their horses and rode towards their army.

'To arms, Telmar! To arms!' General Glozelle exclaimed, as the army let out battle cries. Catapults were loaded, and large rocks hurtled towards the Narnian army.

'No!' Raina exclaimed, as her eyes flashed she jumped up, high into the air, her palms glowing with blue light. She used her power to direct the rocks away from the Narnians, making them fall some feet away. In the meantime, the Telmarine Cavalry charged forward at General Glozelle's order.

Raina knew she had to be resourceful, and using too much power could tire her out. She came back down to the ground. The rocks kept coming.

Raina's body began to glow as she summoned a large shield in front of her, keeping the Narnians out of the line of fire. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead. She felt a hand tap her shoulder.

'Raina, you're going to get tired...' Edmund whispered, worriedly. Raina was undoubtedly the strongest of the Narnians, but there's a limit to all of it. Raina looked at him, and back at the Narnians.

In the meantime, Caspian and Glenstorm rode back into Aslan's How to carry out Peter's plan. If it is successful, they could actually stand a shot. Peter began counting. The Telmarines got closer and closer. Raina got an idea.

'I'm fine. Just a few more minutes..' Raina spoke through gritted teeth. Edmund looked at her, imploringly.

'Raina please, don't-' But Raina cut him off.

'I know what I'm doing.'

Raina walked a few steps away from Edmund, who huffed and went back to Peter's side, his sword drawn. Raina dropped the shield, and used her power to lift all the rocks high into the air.

Suddenly the ground below the Telmarine Cavalry gave way, and all of them hurtled into the ground. They were largely uninjured, and that's when Raina carried out her plan.

She crumbled the rocks in the air, and dropped them on the Cavalry. It forced them to stay put, just as a hail of arrows were fired upon them.

Raina quickly rushed back to where her horse, Alexa was standing and swiftly climbed on. Reepicheep joined her.

'You ready, Reep?' She asked, hurriedly.

'At your service, Raina.' He responded.

'Charge!' Peter yelled as the Narnians rushed forward.

Raina slapped the reins and galloped towards the pit of Telmarine soldiers. She decided to save her powers for the time being, and rely on her sword fighting skills. Reepicheep got off, and ran at the Telmarines, taking down many.

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