Chapter 2✨

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Edmund looked to Peter, clearly having sustained some injuries from the fight, but minimal due to his own intervention, decided to be cocky.

'You're welcome' he said cockily.

Peter scoffed and rolled his eyes.

'I had it sorted' Peter sniggered.

Raina looked up, as Susan began questioning and reprimanding Peter.

'What was it this time Peter?'

Peter stood up and walked towards the tracks slowly,

'He bumped me'

'So you hit him?' Lucy asked almost exasperated

'No, after he bumped me. They tried to make me apologize. That's when I hit him' he explained simply.

'Really, is it that hard just to walk away?' Susan asked, clearly sounding as though she was fed up.

'I shouldn't have to! I mean, don't you ever get tired of being treated like a kid?' Peter spoke, his voice louder than it was, perhaps from the anger and frustration.

'Uh Peter? We are kids' Raina spoke, trying not to laugh, earning her a snort from Edmund.

Peter looked up annoyed,

'I heard that Ed. Besides I wasn't always a kid' he said ruefully.

This made Raina squint. What does he mean by that? Peter continued his rant.

'It's been a year. How long does he expect us to wait?'

Raina started wondering. Is 'he' the children's father? Because he went off to fight in the war? It is a plausible explanation but there are still some gaps in the story. She continued listening, hoping her doubts would be cleared up.

'I think it's time to accept that we live here. It's no use pretending any different' Susan said, while crossing her arms.

The boys looked down, leaving Raina confused. Susan then looked away and mumbled something before speaking again

'Pretend you're talking to me'

'We are talking to you' Edmund replied sarcastically. Raina couldn't help but snort.

Susan threw a fake smile Edmund's way. She was about to reply when Lucy abruptly stood up,

'Ow' she yelled

'Quiet Lu' Susan whisper-yelled, trying to avoid drawing attention to themselves.

'Something pinched me' Lucy said pointing to the bench they were all sitting on.

Peter got up next,

'Hey, stop pulling!' He yelled at Edmund, causing him to scrunch up his face.

'I'm not touching you. Raina, tell him I wasn't' he defended,

Raina was about to reply when she felt a tug on her uniform, and she too stood up.

'Ed did you do that?' She questioned him.

Edmund had frustration written all over his features as everyone was accusing him.

'Look would all of you just- what is that?' Susan questioned.

The train came rushing into the station at a violent speed, the ground shook, and the walls of the station began to crumble. Raina was terrified, she wondered if this was an earthquake, but it didn't seem like one.

'It feels like magic' Lucy said with a hopeful smile on her face.

Raina did not know what to make of that other than stare at her in disbelief. Before she could say another word, Susan spoke up

maybe this time (e.p. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now