Chapter 15✨

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Peter, Caspian, Susan, Lucy, Edmund and Raina watched from atop Aslan's How, the steady of approach of the Telmarine Army. A sea of metal inched forward, and the middle parted, to reveal a man in gold armour marching forward on a white horse.


Raina's hands clenched into fists as she saw who was riding next to him. General Glozelle. Her vision flashed red. Edmund noticed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and felt her tense for a moment before relaxing. She threw a tight lipped smile his way.

Peter gestured to everyone to return inside. They gathered around the Stone Table where he was to reveal his plan. After he explained his plan, Trumpkin was the first to speak up.

'Cakes and kettledrums. That's your next big plan? Sending a little girl,' He gestured to Lucy. 'Into the darkest parts of the forest, alone?!' He asked, in disbelief.

Peter met Lucy's gaze before turning to Trumpkin.

'It's our only chance.' He said.

'And she won't be alone.' Susan piped up, next to Lucy.

Raina was standing next to the Stone Table, where she watched this unfold. She knew that this plan was dangerous, but she also knew that there's no other choice.

Trumpkin and Peter suddenly turned to Raina, the former hoping she would interject. She gave him a sad look.

'I know, Trumpkin, this is a wild goose chase, at best. But I honestly don't know anything else that can work. This could be our best option.' She gave Peter a small nod.

Trumpkin walked up to Lucy, a tender look in his eyes.

'Haven't enough of us died already?'

'Nikabrik was my friend too.' Trufflehunter spoke up, next to Lucy. 'But he lost hope. Queen Lucy hasn't, and neither have I.' He said, solemnly.

'For Aslan.' Reepicheep said, holding his blade up.

'For Aslan.' A bear followed.

Everyone exchanged glances. Lucy looked to Peter who gave a look of encouragement.

'Then I'm coming with you.' Trumpkin said.

'No, we need you here.' Lucy said calmly, as she placed a hand on his shoulder.

'Guys, it's highly unlikely you won't encounter them. They're everywhere, it's just a matter of time. Please stay safe.' Raina implored as she quickly walked over and wrapped Susan and Lucy in a tight hug.

'We will. See you soon.' Susan gave Raina a small smile, as she and Lucy left to get ready.

'We have to hold them off until Lucy and Susan get back.' Peter spoke.

'If I may..' Caspian began, looking to Raina who gave him a small nod. He walked forward.

'Miraz may be a tyrant, and a murderer. But as King, he is subject to the traditions, and expectations of his people. There is one in particular that may buy us some time.' He explained. Raina realised what he meant.

'Single combat?' She asked, as he nodded. Peter pondered it.

'But, would he even agree to it? He knows he has a stronger army..' Raina said, doubtfully.

'There is a high chance he won't, but there's nothing else we can do. I'll prepare the proposition.' Peter said, as he turned to Edmund.

'Ed, I want you to go, along with Glenstorm and Wimbleweather.' He stated and Edmund nodded.

'I'm coming too.' Raina piped up. Edmund looked at her, angrily.

'No you-' She cut him off.

'I don't trust the Telmarines one bit. And least of all, Miraz. At least if I'm there, I can hold them off.' She explained. Peter mulled it over as Edmund glared at his brother, hoping he'd say no.

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