Chapter 22✨

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Lucy watched Edmund and Raina on the balcony, a wide grin etched on her face. Susan walked up to her, a curious look on her face.

'Lu, what are you doing?' She asked.

Lucy gestured to Edmund and Raina having a moment out on the balcony. Susan snorted as she looked back at her little sister.

'Do they not realise we're all right here?'

'Who doesn't realise?' Caspian asked, as he and Peter walked up to the two girls. Susan eyed Edmund and Raina, as Caspian chuckled.

'Oh yes. I might need extra security tonight, in the event Edmund tries to kill me for dancing with Raina before him.' He shrugged. Peter laughed.

Raina suddenly jumped at the sound of laughter, as did Edmund. Their heads swiveled in the direction of where it came from, their eyes widening at the sight of Peter, Caspian, Susan and Lucy. Raina pushed him away, and looked down shyly, as everyone laughed heartily.

'Took you long enough. When Edmund wasn't planning on confessing, I was about to do it myself.' Lucy joked.

'Technically he didn't..' Susan mused.

'What do you mean?' Caspian asked.

'Raina read his thoughts, and figured it out.' Lucy shrugged. Peter and Caspian turned to Raina, pure shock on their faces.

'Really? You read minds?' They asked together.

Raina snuck a glance at Edmund who was blushing, maintaining strong eye contact with the ground. She chuckled.

'Edmund can answer that for me.' She laughed. He playfully glared at her.

'But I did tell you.. Later though.' Edmund mumbled. Raina giggled slightly, raising the eyebrows of everyone watching them. She glared at them.

'Come on, how'd it happen? When did it happen? What did he say?' Lucy asked, excitedly.

Raina blushed slightly, as Edmund wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She smiled at him before speaking.

'After the battle, when we came to the castle. After the doctor was done patching me up. That's all I'm going to say, so deal with it.' Raina shrugged as she quickly tugged Edmund away from everyone, earning fits of giggles. Once they were a safe distance away, Raina turned to Edmund, a small smile on her face.

'I think that was my 10th interrogation.' She mused.

'Just 10? I'm pretty sure I've had 20.' Edmund said, rolling his eyes.

The two of them were standing off to the side of the ballroom. They put their masks back on. A slow song began to play as the couples began taking to the floor. Edmund cheekily grinned as he held his hand out to Raina in a gallant manner.

'A dance, M'lady?' He said in an exaggerated accent, prompting a snort from Raina.

'I would be honoured.' She mimicked his accent.

'However..' She said in a low voice. 'I'm not a lady...' She whispered in his ear, raising goosebumps along his skin and a blush creeped into his cheeks. He thanked god that his mask covered it alongside the dimly lit room.

'I'm a Queen.' She purred. Edmund gave her a lopsided grin as he pulled her towards him. She yelped in surprise.

'Yes. You are.' He whispered. Now it was Raina's turn to get flustered and blush.

He led her to the middle of the dance floor, and placed his hands on the small of her waist, while hers settled comfortably at the back of his neck. The small levitating golden lights cast its glow on the guests, as Raina's breath got stuck in her throat observing the way the light reflected off Edmund's brown eyes, and his messy hair. The pair couldn't keep their eyes off each other, marvelled by their very existence.

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