Chapter 14✨

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Susan and Lucy would not stop asking Raina about what exactly happened the night before. Raina tried to keep diverting it by bringing up Susan and Caspian's budding relationship.

'What were you two doing up there that late?' Lucy asked, hopefully.

'We weren't doing anything! We were just talking, Lu! Besides, I'm sure Susan's life is much more exciting than mine.' Raina paused as she smirked at Susan.

'Oh, hush. Caspian doesn't see me that way, alright?' She maintained.

'I didn't mention him, but good to know!' Raina said in a sing-song voice, as she took that opportunity to run. She bumped into Caspian.

'Oh, Caspian! I'm so sorry.' Raina apologised.

'Please, no it was mine. I wasn't looking, I was uh...' He trailed off as he realised his blunder. Raina followed his gaze to where Susan was standing, with Lucy. Raina suppressed a snort.

'Walk with me.' She said to Caspian.

'Uh alright.' He gave her a confused glance as they began to walk across the field.

'Tell me, what were you about to ask me earlier?' Raina asked with a knowing smile, to which Caspian blushed, and looked down. 'I seem to recall it being regarding Susan?' Raina laughed as she said this. Caspian was beet red. He took a deep breath as he faced Raina.

'I was wondering... what do you think are Queen Susan's thoughts regarding me?' Caspian asked, sheepishly, maintaining strong eye contact with the grass. Raina gave him an amused look.

'Well, I can't speak for her thoughts..' She began. Caspian looked up, eagerly waiting for her reply.

'But, she sees you in a very positive light, so you need not worry. BUT is there a more specific question you would like to ask? Or something you would rather tell?' Raina asked, knowingly. Caspian tried to play dumb.

'I-uh, do not know what you are referring to..' He said, quietly. Raina let out a small laugh.

'Alright, then I have a question for you. Do you fancy Susan?' Raina asked, as she smirked, and Caspian blushed more furiously than ever before. He looked at her, eyes wide, and tried to speak, yet nothing came out.

'I-I, well you see- I'm-' He stuttered, not being able to string a sentence along.

'I think I got my answer.' Raina smiled, as she walked away, leaving Caspian dumbfounded.

Raina decided to do some training. She knew that war was on the horizon, and she needed to be prepared. As she readied herself, Doctor Cornelius came up to her.

'Your Excellency, may I have a word with you?' He asked.

'Yes, of course, and please call me Raina.' She replied. He nodded.

They began slowly walking back to Aslan's How.

'I have been researching your powers, your history. It seems there is one power you are yet to tap into.' He explains, as Raina gave him a surprised look.

'Well, what is it, doctor?' She asked.

'Firstly, you were created in the first Narnian Year, at the dawn of its creation, by Aslan. He bestowed an extension of his own strength upon you, allowing you to wield that power against evil. Of all forms.' Doctor Cornelius stated.

'Of course, you also possess the powers of the White Witch, Jadis.' He says, as Raina visibly tensed.

'The one power that is widely believed to be wielded solely by Aslan, is the ability to give, restore, and take life. I believe you wield that power as well.' He spoke, as Raina's eyes widened, and her jaw dropped.

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