Chapter 23✨

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The Masquerade ball was a resounding success for Narnia and Telmar. For the first time in centuries, could people of both lands come together in a room and not be at each other's throats, and just enjoy themselves. The ball ran late into the night, which explains the sounds of snoring reverberating off the walls of a bedroom where all 6 kings and queens passed out. It was quite an interesting picture.

On the bed were Lucy and Susan, the former's head hanging off the edge of the bed, while the latter drooled relentlessly. Peter was splayed out on the sofa, his left leg hanging, and his mask was placed in an awkward position on his face, as he snored loudly. Caspian and Edmund were on the floor, Caspian's crown still on his head, hugging a pillow like a teddy bear. Edmund was face down on the carpeted floor, as he had Caspian and Peter's coats on him like a blanket. Lucy stirred first, yawning as she sat up. It was well into the day by the looks of it.

'What time is it..' Lucy mumbled to herself as Peter groaned.

'It's too early, Lu..' He grumbled as he turned away and tried to sleep. Susan woke up next.

'Ugh, why is my pillow wet..?' She asked no one in particular. She touched the side of her mouth and realised as she quickly wiped it away, and yawned in the process. Her eyes fell upon Caspian on the floor, snoring away. She and Lucy couldn't help but laugh.

'He's a King, you say?' Lucy mused as Susan shook her head. Lucy's eyes fell upon Edmund who stirred.

'Ugh, is it morning already? I'm pretty sure I fell asleep an hour ago..' Edmund grumbled from under his makeshift blanket.

He sat up, and took in the disheveled images of the monarchs of Narnia. His eyes widened at the sight of just 4 others.

'Where's Raina?' He asked, worriedly. Peter sat up, and looked about the large room, also not noticing the newly crowned queen.

'RAINA!' Edmund yelled, causing Caspian to jolt awake, his crown hitting his nose.

'What the hell, Ed! I was having a good dream!' He groaned. His eyes landed on Susan and blushed when he realised what he was dreaming about.

'WHERE'S RAINA?!' Edmund yelled, just as something stirred under the bed where Lucy and Susan were splayed out. The two girls jumped and screeched, as the boys jumped away. From under the bed, emerged a very sleepy, very exhausted and very annoyed Queen Raina. She rubbed her face, and propped herself up on her elbows as she faced Edmund, an annoyed look on her face.

'I get that we're dating but do you have to yell for me first thing in the morning?' She groaned, as everyone erupted in laughter, Edmund staring at her in disbelief.

'I-I thought, well, y-you-' He mumbled as Raina yawned.

'Ugh you already ruined my sleep. I'll get you back someday.' She warned as she crawled out from under the bed, meeting Lucy and Susan's gaze. They had questioning looks on their face, as they eyed Raina's sleeping ground under the bed. Raina just shrugged.

'Well, all of youse crashed wherever you could, and you two took up the whole bed, and so under the bed I go. I snagged a blanket though, so not much harm done.' Raina explained as she stretched her limbs.

'Under the bed of all places?' Caspian asked, shocked.

'Hey, it's comfy. You should try it sometime.' Raina defended.

Raina straightened her gown, the same gown she wore last night, her mask tangled in her hair.

'I had a crown..' She mumbled, as she let out a yelp.

'Ow! Oh, found it!' Raina spoke, bending down to pick up her crown which was by the foot of the bed. She walked across the room, her eyes landing on Peter, the mask in an awkward position.

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