Chapter 24✨

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Raina's head was scrambled after her talk with Aslan. What worried her most was how he didn't answer the question of the Pevensies' return to Narnia. She already knew she'd be coming back, but what about Peter? And Susan? Lucy? And of course, Edmund? She couldn't imagine coming to Narnia without them, the people who've been with her in every step of the journey. The thought of returning to Narnia without them terrified her. She snapped out of it, and began returning to her room to change into something more comfortable.

She took a bath and then slipped into a champagne coloured gown, as she sat at her vanity and tamed her brunette waves

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She took a bath and then slipped into a champagne coloured gown, as she sat at her vanity and tamed her brunette waves. Once she was done she admired herself in the mirror. She took a deep breath and tried to calm the flurry of thoughts in her mind. Someone knocked on the door.

'Come in!' Raina called out.

Peter and Susan shuffled in. He was clad in a brown tunic and grey pants and black boots, while Susan wore a lovely orange gown. She beamed at the sight of Raina.

'Remind me to get you some more of these gowns for your birthday, yeah?' Susan joked as Raina chuckled.

'Yes, these gowns are lovely, but I wouldn't mind my pajamas right now either.' She shrugged, as Susan nodded.

'Aslan told us we're addressing the people of Telmar and Narnia tomorrow, so today's sort of our last day here.' Peter said, solemnly as Raina squinted.

'Last day? What do you mean?' She asked, worriedly. Susan eyed Peter before speaking.

'We're not too sure either, but it doesn't seem like we're about to spend another 15 years here. Caspian is King now, and we're not the same people we used to be when we first came here.' She explained. 'Who knows? We'll come back another time!' She ended, cheerfully.

Raina paled slightly as she recalled Aslan's hesitance regarding their return. She pushed it aside and put on a smile, hoping to god they didn't notice it. They didn't.

'Well, I'm off to the spa again, lord knows I need it. Raina, you want to join?' Susan asked.

'OR you could come spar with me.' Peter suggested. Raina smirked and crossed her arms.

'You really what your arse kicked that badly?' Raina challenged. Peter's demeanour changed as he looked down.

'W-well, you know, I could b-beat y-you if I-I wanted.' He said, unsure. Raina and Susan eyed each other before rounding on Peter.

'Oh, so this whole time you've been letting me win?' Raina asked, smugly. Peter went red in the face, as he plastered a scowl on his face. He groaned and walked out, mumbling to himself, much to Susan and Raina's delight.

'His ego's kind of bruised. Let him be.' Susan commented, as Raina nodded.

'As for you, yes I will join you at the Spa. My back has been killing me ugh.' Raina groaned.

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