Sakook: The Crown

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(ship requested by RyzaMaeSanchez9)

(Concept: Jungkook's dad and Sana's mom are seeing each other, but they made a mistake introducing their kids to each other)

(Jungkook POV)

"I'm glad you three are getting along. I know you're all grown up now, but you might be living under the same roof if we move in together." My dad told Me, Sana, and my brother Junghyun.

We were all sitting out in the garden after we had dinner together. Whenever my dad talked like that, it made me cringe.

"Hey Sana, Junghyun, you wanna go inside and watch a movie or something?"

"Sure, which movie?"

The three of us went inside. Our parents were still outside in the garden. I just knew they must be thinking, "Aw, they get along so well!"

They have no idea what we're really up to.

"I'll let you two be. I'm going to my room." Junghyun walked up the stairs, leaving us alone. He's probably the only one that knows about this.

Sana and I made it into the theater room and sat down next to each other.

"I didn't know you guys had a little movie theater." She says.

I shrug, "My dad likes to spend his money on things he doesn't use."

Both of our parents were wealthy, but they never paid too much attention to either of us.

"How long are we going to get away with this?" She asks.

"As long as we can."

I kiss her gently, her soft lips made it hard for me to stop.

I really loved her. It was hard playing pretended in front of our parents, but it was worth it. If they found out about this, we wouldn't be allowed to see each other anymore.

But I'm an adult, Sana's an adult. We don't have to keep staying with our parents.

I just want to marry Sana and run away from here.

My dad doesn't know I got a job. I've been making money so I don't have to use his anymore. I haven't touched the money in my account from him in months.

I could leave this house and never come back if I really wanted to. Junghyun's moving out soon and I don't want to be left here with my dad.

A few weeks later, Sana's mom was at our house to see my dad. I left without telling my dad because I knew he wouldn't even notice if I left.

I went to do my favorite thing: spend the with Sana. It felt kind of evil seeing each other behind our parents' backs, but they don't have to know.

"Do you want to go look at the new houses they're building in the city?" I asked her.

"Houses? Why?"

"So we can find one we like."

She laughed, but I didn't.

"I'm serious." I say, "Would you want to move in together?"

"That's a big decision, Jungkook."

"I know, I know, but we don't have much time."

"What do you mean?" She asks, "You think our parents are gonna get married soon?"

I nod slowly, "I think I overheard them talking about it the other night."

"But if we get away, they won't ever know and then they'll be happy and we'll be happy..." She thinks out loud.

"If we just run away from all of this then there wouldn't be any problems."

"You're right."

"So what do you say? You wanna run away with me and get married?"

"Of course I want to marry you b-"

"Alright, then let's go!" I stand up and take her hand.

"Go where?"

"To go get married!"

"Wait, Jungkook." She stops.

I realize I might be rushing things too much for her.

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"Am I sure about..?"

"That you want to marry me and move in with me..?"

I look her right in her eyes, "I've never been more sure about anything in my entire life."

And that was the truth.

We didn't have a ceremony or anything. We just signed the papers and that was it. We were married.

I promised to buy her a ring someday, but that was the least of our worries right now.

We went to go see those houses on the other side of town. A few weeks later, we were moving in with each other.

I didn't hear anything from my dad after I left. Sana said she left her mom a letter, without revealing our relationship though.

I worked overtime to help pay for the house and buy Sana the ring she deserved. I couldn't be happier. Sana makes me so happy.

I'd come home from a long day at work and we'd both be tired, but just having her next to me lifted my spirits. I wanted to make sure she always knew how much I loved her.

I kissed her at least once everytime we saw each other. I try to be there to say "good morning" and "good night". I tell her she's beautiful, because she is. I tell her I love her as much as I can.

She's so good to me. I feel like I can never do anything to return the favor because she's just so amazing. I've never been in this kind of relationship before. I never knew one person could mean so much to me until I met Sana.

I sometimes wish that my dad was more involved in my life. I was always involved in his, but he rarely took the time to focus on just me, not him. I can't be too mad at him though. It was thanks to him that I met Sana after all.

It's crazy how one person can change your life.

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