Sakook: Guard You

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(Ship requested by JK_R_BTS)

(Concept: Sana and Jungkook are friends and neighbors. Sana has no idea Jungkook has feelings for her until his actions prove it to her)

(Sana POV)

"See you tomorrow, Sana. Good work today."

"Have a good night, boss."

I sigh as I walk out the door. I was exhausted. It was late and cold out as I walked home. I live by myself in a small, but cozy house. My place is smushed in between two other houses just like mine, just different colors.

I live in a pretty busy area. There's always someone walking or driving by my house. There's a few shops and restaurants just down the street so I walk almost everywhere.

My friend Jungkook is one of my neighbors. We've been friends since high-school, but we split ways for university. We crossed paths again when he moved into the house right next to mine.

He usually gets off of work before I do. He might even be asleep already.

I thought to myself as I walked by his house, but looking towards the windows, the lights were still on inside.

I finally arrive at my door and input my lock pass code. I kick my shoes off before heading towards the kitchen, but I stop when I didn't hear the front door shut all the way.

Panic shot through my body as I turned around and saw an intruder in my home. He must have followed me and caught the door before it shut.

"W-who are you? Who said you could come in here?" I stutter.

I had my phone in my hand behind my back. I blindly tried to call someone, anyone, as I backed away.

"You should pay more attention to your surroundings." He says. I watch his hands. He had a knife. He watches mine.

Every time he stepped closer, I took another step back.

"What are you doing with your phone there? Trying to call the police, huh?" He picks up the picture frame sitting on my shelf and throws it at me.

I was terrified. I blocked it with my hands before it hit me, dropping my phone, but I couldn't help but scream when the frame hit the floor, glass shattering everywhere.

I scream out of fear once again when he rushes towards me. My body slams against the wall as he backs me into the corner.

"Don't make another sound." He threatens me with the knife in his hand.


(Jungkook POV)

My home was quiet as I got ready for bed. I just finished brushing my teeth when I heard a shriek from outside. A few seconds and there was another one. It sounded like it came from next door. Sana's place.

My instincts told me to go check on her.

As I approached the door, I notice it was open. I quietly crept up to the door and listened. It sounded like things were being tossed around inside.

"There's no one here to help you." A voice came from inside.

There's someone in there. I have to do something.

I quietly grabbed the door handle and slammed the door shut before scrambling to hide behind the corner of the house.

I hoped the guy would check where the sound came from and he did. I peered one eye around the corner and spotted him crack the door open about to shut it again.

I jumped in, grabbing his arm and pulling him forward just enough to trap his arm in between the door and the door frame, slamming the door on his arm.

He screams and I got a good look at him. He was definitely dressed like a criminal. I kick the door open, sending him back so I could run past him. 

Inside, I found a startled Sana in the corner of the room.

"Sana, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I-I'm okay. What are you doing here?" She asks.

"I heard someone screaming, I thought they needed help." I pick up the phone that was sitting on the floor and dial the police.

The guy was on the floor, but I forgot to keep an eye on him. 

"Jungkook!!!" Sana screams as I turn to see him lunging towards her.

I instinctively throw myself in front of her, but I failed to notice one more thing. He had a knife. By the time I found out, it was too late.

He sliced my shoulder, but I had adrenaline pumping through my veins. I felt it, it burned like hell, but only for few seconds. He tries to strike again, but I catch his arms and push him back.

He wrestles me to the ground, grabbing at my wound, inflicting even more pain on that spot. I did my best to stay away from the blade. He was over me for a split second and I thought he was going to stab me this time, but Sana comes in and kicks him hard.

He falls off of me and I rush to get the upper hand back. I kick the knife out of his hand and kneel on his chest, holding his arms back.

I was still bleeding. We were both in shock. While this was all happening, Sana had called the police.

We were taken to the emergency room and the guy was arrested. Luckily, my cut wasn't too deep. The doctor stitched and cleaned me up.

Sana stayed with me the whole time.

"Does it hurt?" She asks me.

I nod, "Yeah, but I'll be okay."

My eyes spot something on her arm.

"Oh, what's that?" I take her arm and push her sleeve up, revealing a big dark spot, "Is this a bruise? Why didn't you say anything earlier? Does it hurt?"

Her hand softly pushes mine away. When I look back up, she was crying.

"W-why are you crying? What's wrong?"

"I was just so scared..." She wipes the tears from her cheeks, "What kind of person jumps at a guy with a knife?"

"I was worried he was going to hurt you..." I spoke quietly.

She looks at me with tears in her eyes. After a near-death experience, I couldn't leave anything unsaid.

"I love you, Sana. I couldn't let anything happen to you."

She suddenly hugs me, gently, minding the wound on my shoulder.

"I love you, Sana." I repeat, like she didn't hear me the first time.

"After everything we've been through," She breathes, "I think I love you too, Jungkook."

I laugh nervously, unsure what to do next. We kind of just stare at each other for a moment.

And then she kissed me.

She grabbed my face, leaned in, and kissed me.

Surpsingly, this was the moment that had my heart beating the fastest all night.

We pull apart, but she still held my face.

"Thank you for the rescue. I don't know what would've happened if it wasn't for you." She says.

"Of course." I nod, "I don't know what I would've done if you got hurt."

That night, she was scared to sleep alone, so I stayed over at her place. We stayed up talking and I told her everything. I've liked her for a long time, but after tonight, I think it's something more than that.

I can't wait to see where this goes.

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