Minakook: Eyes

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(ship requested by Kookiebear_01)

(Concept: Jungkook is a solo artist and Mina just happens to be one of his stylists. At some point, Jungkook falls in love with her)

(Jungkook POV)

I was running late for the music show recording. My managers rushed me into the car because I woke up late.

I was able to get changed quickly, but the hair and makeup took a while.

The stylists used to complain that I moved around too much when they were trying to do my hair or my makeup so now I just sit there still, doing nothing, not even looking at my phone.

One of the younger stylists, Mina-nuna, she gets stuck with me the most. I don't have too many stylists and not all of them come in everyday. She's usually the one that comes all the time and works with me. The other stylists might be getting my clothes ready or helping Mina, but she's the main stylist.

I like to try to at least have conversations with her when she's working on me because it feels like of awkward just sitting there in silence.

We're not uncomfortable around each other, but I have noticed one thing. She gets flustered if you make eye contact with her for a long time. I use this to tease her sometimes when I'm bored.

I watch her eyes as she focuses on combing my hair.

"I would appreciate it if you stopped staring at me like that." She says.

I chuckle, "Sorry. I was just wondering...what are you thinking about behind those eyes?"

She laughs softly, "I'm focusing on trying to get your hair to cooperate. I thought I told you not to use any product in it before you came here."

"I didn't! I swear!"

"If you say so. This is just gonna take me longer than usual." She says.

"I don't mind."

My third year anniversary of being a solo artist is coming up and I wanted to thank all of the staff who have been here with me since the beginning.

I wrote them each a little card and made them small goodie-bags with things I knew they liked. It was the least I could do in return for all they've done for me.

I saved Mina-nuna for last, just for suspense.

"Here, nuna. This is for you. It's a little "thank you" just from me."

She gasps, "Aw, thank you Jungkook. I thought you forgot about me."

I pretend to be offended, "I would never forget about you! I just saved the best for last."

She rolls her eyes, "Thank you."

"Open it." I insist, "Oh, but uh...maybe don't read the letter here."

"What? Why not?"

"Just- it's kind of...personal."

She shrugs, "If you say so."

The truth was, the letter wasn't just a thank you. I asked her out on a date. I told her to text me when she read the letter.

M: So that's why you wanted me to read the letter in private

M: very bold of you

J: so what do you say?

J: is it a date?

M: it would be against the rules for me to go on a date with you

M: but they don't enforce that rule so strictly anymore

M: so sure

M: I'll go out with you

She was right. We could get in trouble if someone found out about us seeing each other, so we kept it a secret. For now, at least.

We went on dates and we saw each other all of the time at work. I loved seeing her basically all of the time.

After we started dating, she changed. When I looked into her eyes, she didn't get nervous anymore. She looked right back at me. I could stare into her eyes forever.

One day at work, we were alone and she was touching up my hair after I rehearsed. We were standing there, facing each other. I couldn't help myself. I made sure no one was watching, and I quickly lean forward, stealing a kiss from her.

She stops what she was doing, "I would appreciate it if you didn't distract me so much. Your gaze is already distracting enough."

"Sorry. I'll save it for our date later." I say.

"Don't say it so loud. Are you trying to get caught?"

"There's no one here to catch us."

She looks around and over her shoulder. When she realizes I was right, she pulls me back for another kiss.

When we part, she starts pulling me by the arm somewhere.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask.

"To go fix your makeup I just messed up."

I laugh, "You might as well mess it up even more if you're gonna fix it."

We stop, she turns around to look at me, "You're cute."

"Just one more. Please?"

She gives in, letting me kiss her one more time.

Before we go into my dressing room, she whispers something.

"If anyone asks, you were eating and messed up your makeup."

"I bet you no one will even notice." I say.

She sits me down in front of the mirror to redo my makeup.

Again, I follow her eyes. She tries to ignore me though.

"You get to do your boyfriend's hair and makeup for a living. What's that like?" I whisper.

She laughs softly, "It has its ups and downs."

"Really? Like what?"

"Well for one," she pauses, "I get to make you look pretty."

I chuckle.

"But my boyfriend doesn't seem to know when to keep his mouth shut." She pinches my cheek.

"Alright, alright. I'll be more low-key. I just can't help myself sometimes."

"Jungkook, you're on in five minutes!" One of the stage directors calls.

"Oh shoot." Mina rushes to finish my makeup and comb over my hair one last time.

"I'll be back before you know it." I say, standing up to leave.

"Break a leg. I'll watch your performance later."

I blow her a flying kiss on my way out. My eye contact doesn't seem to make her nervous anymore, but I still have a few ways to do that. Flying kisses are one of them.

Now we just have to see how long we can get away with this.

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