Taetzu: Fluff

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(ship requested by ashybehottiebaby)

(Concept: Taehyung and Tzuyu both love dogs and bond over their mutual interest. Eventually, that bond becomes something more)

(Yeontan POV) / (this is gonna be interesting 😅)

Dad took me out on another walk today and I knew exactly where we were going. We go there all the time.

We got there and I saw some of my friends. I was happy to see them. But dad kept walking. I was confused. Where is he going? We're here already.

I stop walking and he turns around.

"Sorry, Tannie. We're gonna go to a different park today. There's a nice new one not too far, now come on."

I follow after him. At some point, he picks me up and walks with me in his arms.

We got to this new park he was talking about, but it didn't seem as good as the other one. Still, we took some time to play and I made him chase me around in the grass.

We were about to leave and go back home, but dad stopped and started talking to some lady. She had two dogs with her. I got to know them while dad was talking. Gosh, they talked for so long.

They finally said goodbye and we started heading home.

The next day, we went on another walk.

"Tannie, let's go!" Whenever he says this, I know it's time for our walk.

I thought we would go back to our old park, since he seemed bored at the new one, but we went back to the same park we went to yesterday. That same girl was there too. Dad didn't play fetch with me, but I had fun playing with those dogs I met yesterday. Dad just sat with that girl and watched us run around.

"Kaya! Butter! Time to go!" The girl calls and the two dogs go running to her.

"Tannie, time to go too!" Dad called for me.

We started walking home and that girl and her dogs were still with us. Dad seems to really like her. She was nice to me too. She pets me and she even shares the other dogs' snacks with me. Dad sounds different whenever he talks to her.

We kept seeing her when we went to the park. A few weeks later, I was waiting to go on our usual walk, but dad never got my leash or my harness. Did he forget?

"Dad! It's time for our walk!" I try to get his attention, but he never seems to understand.

He was taking a long time to get ready, but he didn't forget.

"Alright, come on. We're gonna be late." Instead of putting on my harness, he picks me up and walks out the door.

We didn't go out to the sidewalk. He took us to his car. I was confused again.

"Where are we going?" I whimpered.

"We're gonna see your friends, Tannie. I'll take you on a walk later."

The car stopped moving and we were somewhere familiar. I feel like we've walked past this place before. But we didn't walk past it today, we went inside the building, up the stairs and down the hallway.

He knocks on a door and it was the girl again. What was she doing here? Dad puts me down and the two dogs were there too. The girl must be their mom.

I was playing with them for a while, but we eventually got tired. I think I fell asleep, but dad didn't want to leave yet. He didn't take me on that walk that day, but I didn't mind. Dad seemed happy.

A few months go by. We still see that girl often, almost everyday. Sometimes she would come over and then her and dad would leave together.

One day, I was napping in the sun by the window when I heard dad come home. He had left early in the morning, but he was finally back. He came back with boxes. Empty boxes. I watched him put all of his stuff in those boxes, and then he packed up my stuff too.

He took the boxes away and our house was empty. He picks me up and brings me to the car again. We go somewhere I've never been before.

It was a house. He brought me inside and all of the boxes were there. All of our stuff was there, but there were also things that weren't ours...although, I think I've seen them before.

Dad was waiting for someone to get here. And then she shows up. The girl and her dogs. Dad had a huge smile on his face. He held the girl like he held me in his arms.

I thought we were going to go back home, but we never did. We never went back there. This must be our new home. The girl was with us all of the time now. She must really like dad.

Things were different now, but I was okay. Dad spent less time with me now, but he seemed happier so I didn't mind much. When he's happy, I'm happy. When we do spend time together, we have so much fun. We go on walks to different places now and we always go with the girl and her dogs.

I'm starting to think the girl and the two dogs are our family now.

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