Taetzu: Flirt

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(ship requested by RahaH3)

(Concept by author: Taehyung always works the morning shift at the local coffee shop. Tzuyu is a regular customer who stops there almost every morning before starting her day)

(Tzuyu POV)

A frigid breeze sends a shiver down my spine. Today is much colder than it was yesterday. With winter and the holidays coming up, I don't know if I should keep walking to work everyday.

I always leave  early so I have plenty of time to stop for coffee in the morning. Especially these days when it's so cold.

I open the door to the little shop, the wave of warmth already making me feel better.

I approach the counter and put in my usual order.

"And can I have a name for the order?" The barista asks.

"Tzuyu." I say.

"Right." He smiles.

He probably didn't need to ask. I see him all of the time. He must always work the morning shifts.

His name tag read "Taehyung".

I thought he was cute, but he must be older than me. He gave off that vibe.

I watched as he made my drink. I was one of the only customers in the shop right now.

He brings it back to the counter.

"Here you go, Tzuyu." He slides it over to me, "Have a nice day."

"Thank you, you too."

I hold the drink in my hands, letting it defrost my cold fingers. I turn it around in my hands and read the writing on the side.


I laugh to myself.

He'll get it someday.

He's been spelling my name wrong forever, but I never had the courage to correct him. It's been too long.

I come into the shop again the next morning.

As expected, Taehyung was behind the counter like he always is.

I order my usual again, but also a little something to eat with it.

"And a name for the order?"


He starts to write on the cup, but I keep talking.

"Spelled T-Z-U-Y-U."

He stops and looks at me, confused.

"T-Z-U-Y-U...?" He puts the cup down, "You're telling me that I've been spelling your name wrong all this time?"

I shrug,"It's not a big deal, you're not the only one."

He scoffs and then smiles, "Well then I'll be one of the only ones to get it right from now on."

He got my drink done a lot faster today.

"There you go. Hope you like it." He slides my drink across the counter, "Make sure I spelled it right this time." He jokes.

I left the shop and started walking to work.

The drink was good, just like it always was. I took another sip and turned the cup around in my hand.

He spelled it right this time.

But there was something else written on the cup as well.

Call me if you want ;)
+82 **-***-****

He really left me his number.

He's bold. I like that.

I finished the drink, but before I threw away the cup, I put his number into my phone so I could call or text him after work.

I called him as soon as I got off of work and he answered right away, like he was waiting for me.

"Was the coffee good?" This is the first thing he says to me.

I smile to myself, "It was. It was even better today for some strange reason."

He laughs, "Ah..well I'm just glad you liked it. I'm surprised you called."

"Well you left me your number. I couldn't just leave you hanging."

We talked all night. We've "known" each other for so long, but I learned so much about him that night.

It started getting late and I had to get to bed.

"Oh. Well it was nice talking to you." He says, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning?"

I laugh, "Yep. Same time same place. Good night, Taehyung."

"Good night, Tzuyu."

I put my phone down and then it hit me.

Was he flirting with me?

For the longest time, I thought I was the one who simply admired him from afar.

Guess it might not be one-sided after all.

I walked into the coffee shop the next morning with this in mind.

"Hey, what can I get for ya?" He asks as I approach the counter.

"Just a black coffee." I thought it'd be fun to mess with him a bit.

This threw him off. He stands there with a blank face, "A-a what?"

I laugh, "I'm joking. You know what I meant."

"Oh." He laughs too, "Of course, coming right up."

When he handed me my drink, I noticed there was something else written on the cup sleeve again.

for my favorite customer

I wasn't entirely sure if he was hitting on me before, but I think this just confirms it.

He's cute. Subconsciously, I think I was hitting on him too. I'm curious to see where this goes.

I was looking forward to seeing him again the next morning, but I walked into the shop and someone else was standing behind the counter. When I left the shop, I noticed there was a "Help Wanted" sign on the door.

He doesn't work here anymore?

"Looking for someone?"

I look up and there he was. I was relieved.

"Oh, Taehyung. Hi."

"Is it good?" He points to the drink I was holding.

I tilt my head, "It's okay. It'd be better if you made it."

He laughs.

"You don't work there anymore?" I ask.

"No," he shakes his head, "I got let go for flirting with a customer."

I couldn't tell if he was being serious or not.

"But I don't mind. Because now I can flirt with her all I want."

He steps closer to me, taking my hand.

"Can I kiss you?" He whispers.

I didn't answer with words, I just kissed him.

Everything else happened so fast, but this part lasted forever.

He pulls away and gazes into my eyes, "I've wanted to do that for so long."

We were still holding hands.

"I know we kinda missed a few steps," he laughs, "but do you want to go on a date with me?"

I nod, "I'd love to."

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