Dahmin: I'll Wait

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(Ship requested by NyxIsDarkness)

(Concept: Dahyun and Jimin are dating and live together. Something happens with Jimin one day and Dahyun will have to wait for him)

(Dahyun POV)

"Ah, my arms hurt." I say as I set the bag of groceries down.

"But we made it!" Jimin says on a positive note.

The two of us put the groceries away before crashing on the couch for a while. Today was a busy day for us. We wanted to take a break before we had to get dinner started.

I played with his hair while he laid back on me.

"I'm sleepy..." He yawns.

"Let's go to sleep early tonight." I say, petting his hair, "I think we both could use the rest."

In a split second of silence, I hear his stomach growl.

I laugh, "I guess we should get dinner started."


"Jagi-ya, can you pass me that spoon, please?"

"Got it."

Jimin was stirring the pot while I chopped the vegetables. I hand him the spoon and then look over his shoulder.

"Wah, it smells amazing." I say.

"My stomach is definitely growling now."

I go back to the counter, but I quickly turn around when I hear something clatter against the floor.

I turn to see the spoon on the floor and Jimin clutching his stomach.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" I go to him, but he kept his head down.

"My...my stomach hurts." He grabs the counter like he couldn't keep himself up much longer.

I turn off the stove before helping him to the couch. He didn't look too good.

He winced in pain, still holding his stomach. He squeezed his eyes shut as he struggled to keep his head up. 

"Do you feel sick?" I ask, putting my hand to his neck, "I don't think you have a fever. Did you eat something bad?"

"I ate the same things you did."

I couldn't figure out what was wrong.

He felt so nauseous, he couldn't even move much. I didn't understand. He was fine just a while ago.

"Let's go to the hospital." I insist after waiting a few minutes.

"No, it's fine-"

"Jimin, you're not okay. Something's wrong and you shouldn't leave it alone."

Slowly, I helped him up and we made it to the car.

It was hard to focus on driving with Jimin groaning in pain right next to me. I just wanted to help him, but this is all I can do for him right now.

"We're almost there, oppa. Don't worry." I assure him.

When we got there, he could barely stand on his own. I was basically carrying him inside as I had his arm around my shoulders and supported all of his weight.

The doctors inside saw his condition and helped him right away. They took him into a room and I tried to follow, but they stopped me.

I couldn't go with him because of the health guidelines right now. And since we're not family and we're not married, I wasn't allowed to go with him.

I didn't know what to do and I wasn't going to leave him, so I waited. I waited an hour. That hour turned into two and then three. It was already late at night when I finally heard back from the doctors.

They said he had appendicitis and he would have to have surgery to get his appendix removed.

Again, I asked if I could see him, and they looked reluctant to say yes, but after they saw the look on my face, they let me in.

At first, I thought he was asleep, but then he smiled as soon as I stepped into the room. It was a weak, faint smile, but it was there.

"Dahyunie..." Even his voice was weak, but he smiled through it.

"Jagiya, how are you feeling?"

"It still hurts, but I'm okay. Don't worry too much."

I kissed him goodbye before the nurses saw me out. I wasn't able to stay for long because visiting hours were already over, but the doctors had made a small exception for me.

They said he would have to stay in the hospital for a few days. I went home, alone.

The pot of our unfinished dinner was still on the stove, the vegetables half chopped stayed on the counter, and everything was cold. I didn't have the appetite to eat right now so I put everything away and went to bed.

It was strange sleeping alone. I fell asleep hugging Jimin's pillow; it smelled like him, but it wasn't the same knowing he was in pain and I couldn't be there with him.

When I woke up the next morning, it still felt surreal. I wondered what he could be doing right now. When was he going to have his surgery? When can I see him again? He didn't even have his phone because we left the house in such a hurry yesterday.

I tried to go about my day as if nothing was wrong, but this stayed in the back of my mind all day.

I called my friends because I really just needed someone to talk to. They came over and stayed with me for a while just so I wasn't alone.

After they left, my phone rang with a call from a number I didn't recognize. I answer it anyway.


"Dahyun-ah." I was surprised to hear his voice.

"Oppa, you called."

"Mhm." He sounded tired, "I'm about to have my surgery and I wanted you to know. The surgery shouldn't take too long, but I'll still be in the hospital a few more days."

"Okay." I took a breath, taking it all in, "I know you'll be okay."

"I'll be just fine." He says, "You take care of yourself while I'm gone, okay?"

"I will."

He sighs, "I have to get going now. I love you, Dahyun-ah."

"I love you, too, oppa. I'll see you soon."


(Jimin POV)

It took me a few days to start feeling like myself again. As soon as they said I could go home, I called Dahyun. I was so relieved to be going home soon. I missed my bed and our room. And of course, I missed Dahyun. I could barely sleep without her next to me. I guess the pain in my abdomen kind of bothered me too.

I greeted Dahyun with a tight hug.

The doctor chuckled, "Don't squeeze him too hard, he might pop his stitches."

She pulls back just enough so she could look at me and smile, "Hi. You're looking a lot better."

"I feel better. Just a little groggy." I say, pecking her on the lips.

But that wasn't enough for her. She pulls me back for a real kiss.

"Thank you for waiting for me."

"Of course. I'd wait for you no longer how long it took."

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