Taetzu: Lose

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TW: heavy angst

(concept: Taehyung and Tzuyu have been dating for years and even live together. They would do anything for each other)

(Taehyung POV)

We sat on the beach with our feet in the sand, admiring the sunset and all of its colors.

I put my arm around Tzuyu, holding her close. She leans her head against my shoulder, still gazing out into the horizon.

"Happy three years, Tae."

Three years.


We've been together for three years now. I can still remember our first date vividly like it was just yesterday.

"Three years, forever to go." I say.

She laughs softly, "I love you so much."

I kiss the top of her head, "I love you too, Tzu."

As the sun went down, we looked through our old photos, our memories. We've been through so much together.

"Oh, remember this?" Tzuyu shows me another photo on her phone.

It was a picture of us with Tzuyu's parents. I looked incredibly uncomfortable.

I laugh, "Of course I do. How could I forget? Your mom basically interrogated me the entire time."

It was nerve-wracking meeting her parents for the first time, but they seem to like me now.

Tzuyu scrolls through some more photos.

"Wait, go back." I say.

She scrolls back a few photos.

"Do you remember why we took this photo?" I ask.

The picture was from when we went paragliding for our first anniversary. Yes, paragliding. It was a big deal for us so we wanted to do something audacious.

"I can't Remember...why did we take it?"

"We were supposed to take a before and after picture, but we were still excited afterwards, we forgot to take the photo."

"Oh..! Right!" She laughs, "I wish we had that photo. Your hair was hilarious."

We started heading back home once the sun was gone and it was cold out. In the car, our conversation turned serious. We talked about our possible plans for the future.

"You'd want to have kids right? Maybe a few years after we get married though." I say. We've talked about this before, but I don't get tired of letting my imagination take its course.

"Yeah, maybe one or two, but trust me, I can wait." She smiles.

"I think we'd make pretty good parents."

We were almost home. We were crossing through an intersection, the light was green for us, but we didn't make it through.

The sounds of metal crushing and glass breaking still give me unsettling thoughts.

My eyes shut tight as my seatbelt snapped with the force. It felt like a very unpleasant amusement park ride. I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't see. My body felt numb and I felt distorted. I realized we were upsidedown.

Somehow, I was able to get out of my seatbelt and kick my window open. The airbags had deployed while we were inside. I was lucky I survived. I crawled out from the wreck and saw another car destroyed. Some bystanders had called for help and were trying to help the person who was inside that car.

I ran over to the other side of my car and pried the door open. Shards of glass poured all over the street and inside my car.

My heart stopped when I saw Tzuyu. Her head was hanging down, blood seeping through her clothes. Oh god, please, no. Please, I'm begging you. Let her live.

I immediately try to get her out. A fire broke out so I couldn't just leave her there. I couldn't tell if she was conscious until I pulled her out of the car. She was limp but her eyes were barely open. I bring her away from the wreck and lean her against the curb.

"Tzuyu! Tzuyu, it's me, it's Tae. Can you hear me?" I take her hand. My heart was racing. I was still bleeding, but I didn't care. Tzuyu was my priority.

I feel her squeeze my hand. Her eyes start to move slowly.

"Taehyung..." She could barely speak.

"It's okay. You're gonna be okay, I promise-"

"Tae...you're hurt."

"I'm alright." I put her hand to my chest so she could feel my heartbeat.

Now I had my blood and the blood from Tzuyu's hand stained into my shirt.

She kept her eyes on me the entire time.

Help, please. Where are they? She needs help.

My mind raced.

The grip she had on my hand all of a sudden become loose, her head slowly falling to the side.

"Tzuyu? Tzuyu!" I hold her and she looks back to me.

"Stay with me, okay?. Help is coming. We're gonna be just fine." I keep holding her, slowly rocking back and forth, trying to keep her awake and myself sane.

Hurry, please, someone, do something, anything.

It felt like an eternity, but help finally arrived on the scene.

I watch as they go to help the other driver first. He was still conscious and he could walk just fine. I was so frustrated. She's running out of time.

"Hey! Help! Over here!" I got their attention.

"Taehyung..." Tzuyu puts her hand on my neck.

"You're gonna be okay now. They're gonna help you."

"Taehyung, I love you..." She mumbles.

"I love you too, I love you so much, Tzu-"

Her hand falls to the ground and her eyes shut slowly. She stopped breathing.


They pulled me away. I watched in horror as they checked for a pulse, found none, and tried to revive her.

"Tzuyu..!" I wouldn't take my eyes away from her. My vision became blurry behind a sea of tears. The officers had to hold me back.

My heart physically ached.

No matter how many times I screamed her name, she couldn't answer.

I fell to my knees when they couldn't do anything else. She laid there, still, on the street. I couldn't hear my own screams anymore. My hands were stained with her blood. I couldn't wipe my own tears off my face.


Why did you have to take her? Why couldn't you take me too?

I watched my whole world fall apart right in front of my eyes. The light was gone.

She was dead.

I was traumatized.

Her last words were engraved in my mind. Sometimes I swear I can still hear her voice. I heard her when I wanted to take my own life. She convinced me not to. I just wish we had five more minutes. It took me a long time to start getting better, but I realized I did have a purpose.

I had to keep going.

For her.

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