Dahmin: Rain

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(ship requested by RutendoMutandiro & shilarubii)

(Concept: Jimin and Dahyun started dating recently and they decide to have a little date at Jimin's place. The date turns into a sleepover when a storm hits)

(Jimin POV)

"Do you wanna pick up some dessert, too?" I ask Dahyun before we check out.

We were at the market picking up the ingredients we needed to make dinner tonight. We were going to make and have dinner at my place.

"Oh, that's a good idea. Let's go look at the bakery section."

She holds my hand as we walk over together. I smile to myself. This was still kind of new to us; I'm glad she's getting more comfortable with everything.

We picked out a dessert to share and then checked out with all our items. When we left the store to walk back to my place, it started raining. Luckily, Dahyun had an umbrella. It was kind of small, but we did our best to both fit underneath it and keep the groceries dry.

We got back just as the rain started getting heavier.

"Phew. Alright. Let's get this started." I say, taking off my coat and heading to the kitchen.

The two of us worked on a simple dinner together. We followed a recipe online. It said it should only take about thirty minutes to prepare, but it took us almost an hour. I didn't mind though. That was just more time we had together.

"It smells so good...ah, I'm so hungry." Dahyun says as I finish plating the last piece of the dish.

My stomach growled. I was hungry too.

"Here, let's eat. We worked hard for this." I set the utensils on the table.

Her face lit up as soon as she took her first bite.

I chuckle. She's so cute.

"It's seriously so good. I feel better already." She sighs.

I got distracted watching her eat and enjoy the food, I almost forgot to feed myself.

After dinner, we had our dessert, splitting it two ways.

When we were done eating, the two of us cleaned up the table and the rest of the kitchen. By by the time we were done cleaning, the sun had already gone down.

It was pouring rain out there. The rain and the wind shook the building every now and then. I couldn't even see clearly out of the window.

Dahyun looks at the clock on her phone and then through the window.

"Ah... I'm supposed to head back now. My roommates will be looking for me." She says. She seemed uneasy about the weather outside.

"You're gonna head out in this storm? You walked here, didn't you?" I ask.

She nods slowly, "I told them I'd be back around eight..."

I took a glance out the window again. It didn't seem like this storm was going to calm down any time soon.

"You can stay here for a while, at least until the storm calms down." I say, "I really don't mind."

The sound of thunder shakes the building once again.

She taps her finger on the side of her phone, "Okay. I'll tell them I'm staying a bit longer. Thank you, Jimin."

"Of course."

The rain kept falling into the night. We tried to pass the time by watching a movie and talking, but the storm never took a break.

She looks at the clock again, "Jimin, is it okay if I spend the night here? I don't think I can go back now."

"Of course, yeah!" I say, "I wouldn't want you walking home in the rain and in the dark at this hour anyways."

When we were getting ready for bed, I realized.

I should let her sleep in my bed, I can sleep somewhere else. My bed's not that big anyways.

"Dahyun-ah, you can take my bed tonight. I can just sleep on the couch." I say.

"Hm?" She tilts her head, "I thought you were gonna sleep with me?"

I feel my face become warm.

"O-oh, I can do that...if that's what you want." I laugh nervously.

Like I said, my bed isn't that big. The two of us squeezed in close together under the blankets.

"Are you sure this is okay?" I ask. I felt like if I were to roll over just a bit, I would fall off the bed.

"This is nice. I don't mind being this close to you." She says.

My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I could see her again. She was looking right at me. We were just staring at each other in the dark. I felt too nervous to even try to fall asleep.

Once in a while, a flash of lightning would brighten up the room and I would see her clearly again.

"Dahyun-ah," I whisper, "Sweet dreams."

She smiles, looking away for just a second.

"Sweet dreams, Jimin." She places her hand on my face, stroking my cheek.

Neither of us were ready to close our eyes yet. I put my hand on hers, rubbing it with my thumb.

She stops moving her hand. I took this opportunity to pull her even closer and kiss her slowly.

She moves her hand down to my chest, hooking a few of her fingers over my shirt collar.

I wasn't planning on kissing this long, but she didn't want to stop.

We finally pull away to breathe again.

"I love you, Jimin." She whispers.

"I love you too, Dahyun."

"Thanks for letting me stay with you."

"Mhm. You're welcome to come stay with me anytime, even when it's not raining like this."

She laughs, "Maybe I should just stay here forever then."

"Really? You wouldn't get tired of me?"

"I could never get tired of you, Jimin."

I plant a kiss on her forehead, "Good to know, but I also know you must be tired right now. Get some sleep for me."

"Okay. Good night, Jimin."

"Good night, love."

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