Vhyun: Wish

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(Ship requested by shilarubii)

(Concept: Dahyun and Taehyung are dating, but in a long distance relationship. It's Dahyun's birthday and their third year apart. For some reason, this year hits close to home)

(Dahyun POV)

When I woke up this morning, my friends had a surprise waiting for me. The floor of my living room was covered with balloons, and they woke up early to prepare breakfast for all of us.

We all had a meal together, but the surprises kept coming. They had gifts for me, and later on, they surprised me with a cake.

I was having the best day with my friends. They made my day extra special.

"This is too much, you guys. You didn't have to do all this." I told them.

"We don't mind, Dahyun-ah."

"Yeah. You always make us laugh and smile, so we wanted you to have a happy birthday. It's the least we can do."

I was having a good time until later in the day. I remembered the last time I was this happy on my birthday. That was three years ago.

With Taehyung. 

I became sad, thinking about how much I miss him. 

Suddenly, as if he knew I was thinking about him, my phone rings. It was him.

"Taehyung-ah..!" I try to hold back my excitement. 

"Jagi-ya, happy birthday!!"

I smile, just hearing his voice, imagining him smiling with me.

"I hope you're having an amazing day. I miss you." He says.

"I miss you, too." I sigh, "I'm surprised you're still up. Isn't it really late over there?"

I was talking about the time difference since he's in a different country.

He chuckles, "Ah, well, I couldn't let your birthday go by without saying anything."

He was quiet for a second, and I heard some things in the background. It sounded like he was somewhere crowded and busy.

"So, what have you been up to?" I ask.

"Nothing much. Just school, but I've been resting a lot more these days."

"That's good. I'm just resting at home right now. I'm probably going to go to bed soon."

I hear some more commotion in the background. 

"Sorry I couldn't talk long, but I have to get going now." He says.

"Oh, okay."

"Happy birthday, Dahyunie. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Tae. Take care."

I just wish he could've been here with me.


(Taehyung POV)

Dahyun sounded a bit sad when I had to hang up, but I smiled because she won't be missing me for much longer.

I called her as soon as I got off of the plane. I made my way through the airport, and now I'm in a cab on my way to her.

I can't believe we're finally going to see each other again. It's been too long. I was hoping I could stay with her for at least a few days.

When I got to her place, I was nervous all of a sudden. Maybe it wasn't nerves. Maybe I was just really excited.

I knock on her door and then step to the side so she couldn't see me through the peephole.

"Who is it?" She calls.

Hearing her voice in person made my heart stop for a second.

She opens the door, and I step in front of her. She was startled at first, but when she realized it was me, she was shocked.

"T-Taehyung!!" She exclaims, hugging me like she couldn't believe I was actually here.

I smile, seeing how excited she was. I held her close and tight. I missed this.

"What are you doing here?" She asks, "I thought you were super busy."

I laugh nervously, "Yeah...that was a lie. Just so I could surprise you."

She chuckles, hugging me again, "You're the best."

I squeeze her one last time before doing what I've been waiting so long to do.

I hold her face, my fingers reaching her hair. She looks up at me and smiles before I lean in and kiss her.

The sensation sent a fuzzy feeling through my body. I couldn't get enough.

Her hands go up to my chest, exploring my body, or rather reminding her of everything she's been missing.

When we part, we keep holding each other. Neither of us wanted to let go.

"I love you so much." I whisper, planting a kiss on her forehead.

She wraps her arms around my torso and takes a step back, bringing us inside. I kick the door shut before she goes in for another kiss.

I didn't mind at all. This was all going to make up for the last three years. It all started coming back to me. 

She laughs softly into the kiss, holding my face, "I missed you so much." 

I run my fingers through her hair, gazing into her eyes. She didn't change too much since the last time we met. She's still just as beautiful as ever. 

"Happy birthday." I smile. 

"You just made this the best birthday ever." 

She was smiling, but the smile fades.

"How long are you staying?" She asks.

I knew she would bring that up eventually. I just got here and she's already thinking about me having to leave again. 

I break a sad smile, "I was hoping I could stay with you for a few days, maybe a week. If that's okay."

She nods, "You can always stay with me as long as you want."

As long as I want.

I want to stay with you forever, but I can't.

"Thank you." I hug her one more time, "I'm going to make this the best week you've ever had. I promise." 

"Thank you, Taehyung." She squeezes me tight, "You're the best present I could ever wish for." 

"Did you wish for me when you blew out your candles?" 

She shrugs, "What if I did?"

"I just wanted to know if your wish came true."

"My wish came true. He's standing right in front of me." 

I missed this so much. 

Even if it's just for a few days, I'm grateful I get to spend this time with her. 

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