Jinayeon: You're in Love

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(ship requested by yzayqt)

(Concept: Nayeon meets this guy, and she can't stop talking to her friends about how great he is. She doesn't see what her friends see)

(Nayeon POV)

"You'll never believe what happened just now." I say, walking into our apartment.

"What? Something good?" My roommate, Momo, asks.

I told them about my encounter this morning. I went out to go to the store and to get something to eat afterward. When I left the store, there was this guy. He was going in the same direction as me. I kept glancing over my shoulder at him, and eventually, he said something.

"Sorry." He said, "I'm not following you; I'm just trying to get to the convenience store."

"Oh." I was surprised, "I'm act6headed there, too."

He was really nice, so we decided to walk together, instead of him just following a few steps behind me. Coincidentally, we both stayed at the convenience store for a bit to get something to eat. I invited him to sit with me outside, and we talked some more.

"His name is Seokjin, but his friends call him Jin." I tell Momo and Sana, "He's a few years older than us, but we have a lot in common. He even gave me his number."

The girls looked skeptical.

"So you just met this random guy and became friends with him?"

"I mean...he was really nice. The store owner even knew him and gave us a discount. He doesn't have any bad intentions, I'm sure."

"So he gave you his number?"


Sana and Momo exchange glances.

"What?" I ask.

"He gave you his number, which means he wants to get to know you more." Sana explains.

"Okay, and?"

"He was definitely hitting on you."

"What? No." I insist.

"Uh, yeah. He was. Why else would he give you his number?"

I thought they were just overthinking things, so I decided to figure it out myself. I kept talking with Seokjin over the phone, and we ran into each other occasionally.

Sana and Momo said he was hitting on me, but I think he's just a genuinely good guy. He's a gentleman. That's all.

The other day, when we met on the street, we talked as we walked, and he saved me from tripping and falling. I was distracted, and I rolled my ankle on a bump on the sidewalk. He was quick to react, and he grabbed my arm, catching me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Oh, yes. Thank you."

"Don't worry about it. You should be more careful."

I told the girls about this, and they both had that look on their faces again.

"What's with that look?" I ask.

"You like him, don't you?"

"What? No, why would you say that?"

"You're always talking about him!"

Was I?

I guess...I haven't really been paying attention.

I just think he's nice.

He's not hitting on me, and I don't like him like that. We're just friends.

I thought Sana and Momo were just being dramatic, but I was proved wrong just a few days later.

He asked me out on a date.

And I said yes.

I said yes on the spot because he made me feel something I've never felt before. My heart fluttered, and I was excited. It was strange.

On that date, he told me how he really felt. But I didn't know how I felt. I couldn't give him an answer just yet.

I talked to the girls about it, and they immediately freaked out.

"What do you mean you left him without an answer?!"

"I didn't know what to tell him."

"Tell him the truth."

"I don't know what that is!"

"Nayeon-ah," Momo sighs, "You obviously like him."

"Why else would you have said yes to a date with him?" Sana adds.

"You're thinking too much. Just follow your heart."

I thought about what they said.

I considered actually being in a relationship with Jin, and I had that feeling again. That same feeling I had when he asked me out.

They're right.

This must be what falling in love feels like. I just....I've never experienced it before, so I didn't know.

I told him how I felt, speaking from the heart, and he understood. We decided to give dating a chance and we took things slow. We didn't even have our first kiss until our fifth date.

We had a moment when the two of us were laughing together. When we stopped laughing, he stares into my eyes and leans in like he's going to kiss me, but he stops just a few centimeters away from my face.

"W-what are you doing..?" I whisper.

"Sorry," He says, "Can I kiss you?"

His eyes looked so gentle. He was just making sure I would be okay with it.

I nod and he leans in, closing his eyes, until our lips meet.

I had that feeling again, except this time, it was like a shock. He kisses me slowly and I finally kiss him back after the shock passes through my body. I didn't want this to end.

When we part, we both gaze into each other's eyes, breathing heavy, but quietly.

"I love you, Nayeon." He says for the first time.

"I..." I almost hesitated for a second, but I made up my mind, "I love you, too."

After that day, I had a feeling that Seokjin and I were going to be together for a while. He was something different.

All this time, I was busy thinking about why or what I loved about him, but I really should have been thinking about why he loved me. It was here all this time.

He was willing to wait for me and take things slow. He was understanding when I told him I was unsure about my feelings. When he confessed his feelings for me, it's clear that everything he said, he really meant it.

He was in love with me.

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