Minakook: Adore U

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(Ship and concept requested by shnry17)

(Concept: Mina and Jungkook recently moved into a new home together and Mina always misplaced things trying to get used to the new place)

(Jungkook POV)

I woke up in the middle of the night. It was cold, so I pulled the blankets over me again since they had slipped down in my sleep.

For some reason, I forgot that Mina was sleeping beside me. I pulled the blankets up over myself, but I also pulled them off of her.

She whines and that's when I realized.

"Sorry, sorry..!" I whisper and tuck the blankets back over her too.

I scoot closer to her to keep warm. She was wearing some fuzzy pajamas which made snuggling with her even better.

I fell back to sleep like this quickly, but I only got a little more sleep before we had to get up for work.

Mina and I usually wake up to get ready for work at the same time, but she leaves before I do because her office is a little farther than mine.

When I heard the alarm ringing, I groaned, hugging Mina from behind. I didn't want to get up. 

She reaches over to turn it off.

"It's too cold to go to work." She mumbles.

"Let's just stay here then." I say.

She sighs, "I wish we could."

Eventually, we dragged ourselves out of bed to get ready. I got dressed first so I could wear all my warm clothes.

Mina was doing her makeup while I fixed my hair.

"You coming home late today?" I ask her.

"I should be home by six, so not too late. What about you?"

"I'm supposed to get off at five, but traffic might take a while. Should I pick up dinner on my way home?"

"Sure. What do you feel like today?"

"I was thinking fried chicken."

"Ooh, that sounds good." She sounded excited.

"Alright." I chuckle because she's so cute, " I'll get some on my way home then."

We were both facing the mirror during this conversation, but she turns to me when she's done.

"What do you think?" She asks, "I tried a different lipstick color this time."

I can't help but smile when I look at her, "You look beautiful as always. I like the new color."

She picks up the lipstick and reads the label, "This says it's not supposed to rub off. Apparently it can last me a whole day without reapplying."

I get an idea, "I guess we should test it before you go out."

She looks at me, expecting me to say more, but I just lean in to kiss her. She stumbles back against the counter as we kissed. I didn't want to stop.

I only stopped when she stopped me. We both looked at the mirror again. Her lipstick was still in tact and it didn't leave any marks on me surprisingly.

"Wow, this stuff's really good." She laughs.

I let out a sigh of relief, "Oh good. I didn't want to actually ruin your makeup."

By the time I was done with my hair, she was ready to go.

"I'm gonna head out now." She says, "I'll see you later, okay? I love you."

"Love you too."

She was already walking towards the door when I glanced over towards the vanity in our room. She left her wallet behind.

I quickly grab it and run to meet her at the door.

"Wait, aren't you forgetting something?" I ask.

She puts her hands on my shoulders to help her stand on her tip-toes. She suddenly kisses me. I was surprised, but I obviously wasn't going to stop her. All the heat had rushed to my face. I was probably blushing so hard right now.

I chuckle when she finally lets me go, "That was nice, but I uh...I meant this."

I pull her wallet out from behind my back. It was sitting in my hand this whole time.

She laughs nervously, probably feeling a bit embarrassed, "Oh...sorry."

"It's okay. Have a good day at work." I kiss her cheek one last time before she heads out.

I smile to myself after the door shuts. She's so cute. I love her so much. I kept thinking about this little interaction the whole day. Every time I did, it made me smile.

In my office, I have a photo of Mina and I framed on my desk. The picture was from our first big trip together. We had been dating for about three years when the photo was taken. Now we're on our sixth year together.

When it was time for our dance training, I went to change into my workout clothes, but when I reached into my bag, I pulled something out that wasn't mine.

I saw it and then immediately shoved it back into the bag. I only caught a glimpse of it but I'm pretty sure it was  a sports bra.

I sigh. Mina and I must have swapped bags by accident.

I texted her and she replied right away.

J: hey I think we accidentally swapped bags bc I have ur clothes

M: that's what I thought bc this doesn't seem like my shirt ㅋㅋㅋ

She sent me a photo along with the message. It was a mirror selca of her wearing my baggy t-shirt. It was baggy on me so it looked like a dress on her. The picture made me chuckle.

J: I can stop by real quick and we can swap back

J: I'll be there in a few mins

M: alright don't rush too much

M: be careful

M: love you

J: love you too <3

I think we have to work on our organization at home. We're always getting things mixed up or leaving things behind.

But that's just something we'll learn along the way.

I'm sure.

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