Taesana: Snowed In

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(ship requested by sunshine_lolly, winterpeaches_, and Bxerychii)

(Concept: Taehyung and Sana are classmates in college and end up working on a project together for for class. In the middle of working, a snow storm hits)

(Sana POV)

We were almost done with the semester, we just have to keep pushing a little longer. The holidays are just around the corner so I had something to look forward to.

My professor for my major's class assigned us a final project to complete in partners. We had a few more days to finish it so my partner, Taehyung and I were going to work on it after school today.

He's a nice guy I guess. We have a few classes together, so we've know each other for a while. I wouldn't exactly consider him my friend though. We're just classmates.

He's kind of mysterious. There are always a bunch of girls staring at him or trying to talk to him, but he never seems interested, almost like he's tired of it. I do admit, he is good looking, but that wasn't the first thing I noticed about him. I liked his voice and the way he dressed. I admired that he was hard working and respectful with everyone he interacted with. He reminded me of my ideal type, but I tried not to think about that around him.

He lived on campus so he offered to work on the project at his dorm. He said his roommate was out of town right now.

I felt a bit nervous about being alone with him in his dorm, but I trusted that nothing bad would happen.

We have an open campus, so we have to walk outside most of the time to get from place to place. It wasn't very convenient during the winter. There was still snow on the street from last night.

After we were both done with classes for the day, we met up by the library and walked over to his dorm.

When we walked in, he pulled open the curtains to let in some light.

"Are you hungry? Thirsty? I have some snacks and drinks if you are." He offers.

I shake my head, "I'm okay, thanks. Maybe later though."

I pulled out my laptop and started working right away. We sat on the floor across from each other. For this project, we had to come up with a few things together and make a video presentation.

We started working around three and we kept going past sunset. Our plan was to finish the project tonight since we started it two days ago.

Suddenly, there was a building announcement.

"Attention students, staff, and visitors. At this time, please stay indoors. Do not go out on the roads as it is too dangerous. The city is on a shelter-in-place order until further notice. Please stay safe and contact the school if you are in need of any resources."

Taehyung and I both just look to each other.

"Well...I guess we have time to finish this now." He shrugs.

"Yeah..." I started to think.

'Until further notice'?

I might be stuck here for the night. I glance out the window and it was true. The storm was so strong and there was no one outside or on the roads.

A few minutes later, my phone rings.

"Sorry, I have to take this." I tell Taehyung before stepping outside into the hallway.

It was my mom calling. She was worried about me.

"Sana, where are you? Do you have somewhere to stay? We might be snowed in over night."

"I'm okay, mom. I'm at my classmate's dorm. We were working on a project together when we heard the announcement." I explain.

"So you're staying with her?" She asks.

"Um..with him actually."

I knew what she was thinking.

"But it's okay, mom! He's not like that, I swear. He's a good guy."

"Alright. Just come home as soon as you can. Be careful, sweetheart."

"I will, mom. Love you."

I walked back into Taehyung's room and he was just shutting his laptop.

"Aaand we're done." He smiles.

"Oh, you finished it?"

"Yup." He nods, "Now all we have to do is nail the presentation in class."

We were done, but I still had to stay here. I think he could tell I was kind of on edge so he tried to start a conversation.

"So...do you have any plans for the holidays?" He asks.

"Oh. I'm probably gonna spend them with my family and I might go visit the mountains with my friends sometime. What about you?"

We talked for hours. Eventually, we realized we didn't have dinner so he heated up some instant noodles for us. We kept talking into the night.

I learned a lot about him. He's pretty amazing. My perception of him changed as he told me all about his experiences and hobbies and interests.

I noticed he kept losing eye contact with me. He would look me in the eyes for a second and then they would drop back to the floor. He also kept fiddling with his hoodie strings and his hands. Was he...nervous?

"Sana-ssi." His tone changes all of a sudden, "Can I tell you something?"

"Sure. You've already told me plenty of things."

He laughs nervously, "Yeah..."

He moves closer to me, but still leaves space between us.

"I know we're not exactly close, but..." He pauses, "I think you're really cool."

I smile, "You think I'm cool?"

"Yeah...I do." He makes eye contact with me and holds it this time, "I also think...I have feelings for you."

It all started to make sense after he said that.

The nervousness in his voice, the eye contact, the fidgeting, it all made sense now. I recalled how some girls would look at me weird whenever I was near him..now I think I know why.

"Taehyung..." I breathe, "I think you're amazing and I'm very flattered-"

"Do you want to go out with me sometime? Like on a date?" He asks me before I could say anything else.

I couldn't say no to him.

It was kind of awkward falling asleep in the same room after that, but I didn't feel nervous anymore.

He let me sleep in his bed and he slept in his roommate's.

I was able to go home the next morning, but we went on that date a few days later, after we aced our presentation.

He made me feel things I've never felt before. A few dates later and he asked me to be his girlfriend. He let his true self shine with me. He was very charming.

Now I visit his dorm on a regular basis. It was completely different than when I was there a while back, stuck there during that snow storm. That now felt like a dream.

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