Taetzu: Runaways

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(ship requested by chou_sana_satzul)

(Concept: Taehyung is a hitman for his mafia group. Tzuyu is the con-woman, and in some situations, the bait, for her crew. What happens when these two cross paths?)

(Taehyung POV)

I got into their hideout easily. I snuck in, but I didn't see anyone wandering around. They must be taking care of a task, but they wouldn't just leave their place unattended. There must be someone here, I can feel it.

I was sent here to take out their hitman.  He's been ticking our guys off one by one just like that and we needed to put that to a stop. It was supposed to be hitman vs. hitman, and I was supposed to have the element of surprise.

I had my gun ready and loaded just in case. I peered around the corner and the coast was clear. At least, that's what I had thought.

Out of no where, my gun flies out of my hand and I'm flipped onto my back on the ground. When my eyes opened again, I found someone sitting on my chest. I tried to reach for the knife in my belt but they keep their foot planted on my arm.

"Looking for something? You lost, or what?" It was a woman. She had her gun pointed right at my forehead.

I tried to remain calm, "Just thought I'd pay you all a visit."

"Why are you here?" She didn't buy it. She pressed the barrel of her gun against my head.

"Where's your crew?" I ask.

"Why should I tell you?"

"I'm here for them, not for you." I start to move, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way-"

"You're not going anywhere." Her gaze was cold, "We could use you as bait. Or...if your crew doesn't care about you, I'd be happy to just kill you."

I scoff, "Arrogant, aren't you?"

"You're the one who started it, idiot."

I sigh, "Well, this conversation isn't going anywhere so what do you say we start over? Hi, I'm Taehyung-"

"I don't care." She lowers her gun, but she was still sitting on my chest.

This girl...

I took a closer look at her. She was marked up pretty bad. I mean, so was I, but she seemed worse. Her clothes were torn in various places and she had obvious untreated injuries. I could probably take her down if I really wanted to.

In one swift motion, I pushed myself up and grabbed her, kicking her gun away and turning things around. Now I was over her with my knife to her throat.

"Look, like I said, I'm not here for you." I say.

"Then let me go. They can't find me like this." She struggles.

"Or what? What are they gonna do?"

Her vibe completely changed.

"You see that?" Her eyes point down to her stomach area. Her shirt was lifted up just enough for me to see the wound, "That's what they did last time."

I couldn't tell if she was actually afraid or if she was trying to manipulate me.

"Why would your own people hurt you?"

"You tell me."

I drop my knife and let her go. We both stand up. To my surprise, she didn't make a run for her gun.

"Come with me." I say.

"So what, you can kill me?"

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Tzuyu. Chou Tzuyu."

I put my hand on her shoulder, "We could be on the same team, Tzuyu." I risked everything that night.

She came back to our base with me. My boss wasn't very pleased, but she proved she could be a useful asset to our team.

It was hard to believe she would just betray her crew like that, but from what she told me, she didn't even want to be a part of that crew in the first place. She stumbled upon them by accident.

She wanted to get away from the mafia scene, and I was going to help her do that.

During the long, long, process, she helped us out. She agreed to keep helping us as long as we helped her and she didn't get killed.

The day finally came. She got an opportunity to leave. She could leave this world without a trace for good. We worked hard to clear her name so she could live a normal life.

I was helping her prepare for her departure.

"Taehyung." She calls.


"Thank you for doing this."

I nod, "Of course."

I kept rummaging through our stuff, making sure she didn't leave anything behind.

"Come with me." She says.


"Come with me, please, Taehyung."

"I can't-"

"Aren't you tired of it? I can't go live a normal life out there knowing you're here risking yours every single day."


"You saved me, Taehyung."

I thought about it for a long time. I thought about what I would be leaving behind, but also what I'd have in store.

When she left that night, I went with her. I cared about her.

It took me a while to let myself become vulnerable again, but it happened. I could trust people again.

I think that's when I realized I fell in love with her. We ran away together and started a new life.

Every now and then, I would be reminded of our dangerous days, but I didn't try to push it away. It's the reason why we're here today anyways.

We rescued each other from a life of crime.

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