Chapter 2: The Four Lords

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Sierra's eyes lingered on Heisenberg's floating hammer for a while as three other people entered the room. How the fuck? she thought to herself. Heisenberg took a puff from his cigar and looked at her with stern eyes, and Sierra immediately looked away, a blush coming to her cheeks.

"What? Haven't seen a floating hammer before?" he said, and the head of the hammer slammed down on the ground, making her flinch.

"This is the outsider?" a woman's snarky voice floated over to Sierra. She looked up and couldn't hold back a gasp when a woman in a long white dress stood by a chair across for Heisenberg. The woman had to have been at least ten feet tall, she had pale skin covered in make-up that made her seem like a large porcelain doll. Her lips were covered in a lipstick so red, Sierra thought it looked like she wore blood for lipstick. The sheer size of the woman never made Sierra feel so small. "She's no more than a snack for my daughters."

"At least they have a chance of choking on her," Heisenberg snorted. The woman in the white dress eyed the man with a gaze so dark, it probably would have killed anyone else. He just snickered at her reaction and looked at Sierra again.

A slumped and hunchback figure waddled out from behind the chairs, and Sierra bit her lip to stop from gagging. His face was contorted, with large blisters and warts covering him. The worst thing wasn't the face, but his smell. Sierra had to hold her breath for a moment as his stench drifted around the room. It smelled like a dead carcass that had been left in the sun for weeks, mixed with rotted fish and musty water. The slouched man was muttering something and wringing his hands together, peering at Sierra from the corner of his eye.

A quiet giggle and a tug on her shorts made Sierra look down. She screamed when she saw the same little rotten doll that she had met when she walked in the door. "Oooohh, she's prettyyy," the little doll commented, stepping back as Sierra pulled her legs up onto the chair. "I want her!"

"Get away from her, you ugly little brat," Heisenberg snapped. Angie the doll skittered away from him with an evil snicker. Sierra looked at the doll and only just caught a glimpse of a woman in funeral garb hiding in the corner, as still as a statue, her head following Angie as she moved.


All four of the heads turned to a dark figure walking into the room. A woman in a black dress with raven feathers attached to it stood with her head high. The hunched man and the doll both stepped back, but the woman and Heisenberg didn't move. "Mother Miranda," the large lady greeted her.

That's Mother Miranda? Sierra thought, and the woman looked at her. Sierra could only hold her gaze for a moment before looking down. "How did she get here?" Mother Miranda asked to Heisenberg.

He shrugged as he inhaled his cigar. "No clue. They said she just came out of the woods."

Mother Miranda hummed and tapped a delicate finger on her arm as she contemplated Sierra. "Well, as of right now I don't have any use for her. She is not worthy of being my new vessel."

"I could always use another maid," the large woman commented, looking over at Sierra with a sneer, and it sent a shiver up her spine. "Our wine has been... lacking recently."

"Oh! Oh! Let me have her, Mother Miranda!" Angie cried, turning back to Sierra and bouncing on little plastic shoes. "I always want someone to play with!"

"I have no use for her," Heisenberg said, looking at his cigar before taking another puff.

Mother Miranda looked at Heisenberg for a moment and then to the hunched man. "Moreau?" The slouched man jumped and looked up at her. "Do you need her?"

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