Chapter 13: Home Again

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Sierra followed Dimitrescu down the hall and back towards the stairs that led down to the main foyer. She didn't dare ask where the lord was taking her, she truly didn't want to know. She hugged herself as she followed them, trying her best to not show how sore she was. Even now, she felt some of the cum Heisenberg left inside her dribble a bit, and she bit her lip nervously.

As they made their way down the stairs, Daniela began to sniff at Sierra from behind her. Sierra looked at the daughter and her eyes were wandering Sierra'a neck and back. She shrugged Daniela away and walked a bit faster down the steps.

When they reached the bottom, Cassandra stood in front of Sierra, stopping her in her tracks. She sniffed at her as well, and she hissed. "Mother," Cassandra said, "something's wrong."

Dimitrescu halted in her tracks and turned to the four of them. Daniela, Bela and Cassandra surrounded Sierra, and her heart began to race. "What is it?" Dimitrescu demanded.

"She smells," Bella pointed out.

"Of the man-thing," Cassandra finished.

Sierra swore her heart stopped as she looked up at Dimitrescu, who's eyes narrowed and she stepped her way. "Impossible," she snapped. "He wouldn't know we had her."

Sierra bit her lip nervously and didn't dare look her in the eye as Alcina knelt. She didn't say a word as she looked Sierra over. She sniffed a little and looked at the shawl Sierra wore. "Take that off."


"Do not disobey me!" The kindness in her tone was gone, and Sierra began to shake as she took the shawl off. All of the daughters gasped as they saw the markings on her neck and wrists, but Dimitrescu was beyond furious. "When was he here?"

"Who?" Sierra asked shakily.

"You know well enough, girl! That fool of a metal tinkerer, Heisenberg! He did this to you didn't he?!"

"N-no, I did this to myself."

"LIAR!" Sierra's lip tembled and Dimitrescu's claws appeared, and she grabbed Sierra's injured hand. She reopened the cut and licked at Sierra's blood. After a moment, she roared and threw Sierra to the ground, making her cry out. "NO, HE RUINED YOU!"

Sierra sat up and trembled as she sat on the floor, clutching her bloody hand as she looked up at the fuming lord. "The bastard knew what he was doing!" she snarled. "He took your virginity, didn't he?!" When Sierra didn't answer right away, Dimitrescu roared, "DIDN'T HE?!"

"Yes," Sierra finally cried, tears falling down her face.

"When did he do it?" she demanded.

"Last night..."

Dimitrescu yelled in frustration. "Damn that fucking man thing! Ruining a perfectly good virgin wine!" Her daughters hissed and eyed Sierra angrily as well.

"What shall we do with her, mother?" Cassandra asked.

"Throw her down in the dungeon, let her rot there or until the lycans get her. I have no use for her anymore." Dimitrescu turned and began climbing the stairs again.

All three daughters grabbed Sierra and hauled her to her feet. "Let me go!" she screamed, trying her best to get out of their grasp, but they all overpowered her as they started to drag her away. "NO! HELP ME!"

The front door to the castle suddenly burst open, sending a cold wind through the lobby. All three daughters screeched and released Sierra, and she crawled away from them as they recoiled. Dimitrescu whipped her head down to see Heisenberg standing in the doorway, his hammer over his shoulder, a cigar in his mouth.

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