Chapter 7: Before Sunrise

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Warning: This chapter mentions sensitive material such as sexual assault. Please read at your own discretion.


"I am in need of a new vessel. This last subject didn't survive the Cadou."

The four lords surrounded Mother Miranda and watched as she elegantly paced the floor between them. "I might have found another option, a toddler in the village." She looked to Donna and Angie. "You will bring her to me, by whatever means necessary."

"Yes, Mother Miranda," Angie answered, giggling.

Karl blew out a cloud of smoke and held his tongue. He didn't like the fact that she was using the villagers as pawns for her sick tests, since he was one of those victims. "What of the girl the man-thing is keeping, Mother Miranda?" Dimitrescu asked, a sneer on her face. "Surely you must have used her for something by now, hmm?"

Heisenberg glared at her, and Mother Miranda stopped between them. "No, I haven't," he growled. "She's done nothing but hide in her room all the time."

"You smell of her," Dimitrescu pointed out.

Heisenberg flicked his cigar at her, and she scoffed annoyingly as the ashes almost touched her dress. "Every fucking woman has a perfume that lingers. Forgive me if my home and my clothing stinks of it." He took another drag, and he could smell Sierra on his fingers still. It made his dick hurt.

"She drew me!" Angie piped up, and she takes a folded piece of paper out and shows it around, but nobody except Moreau seemed to care.

"Interesting," Miranda said, looking at the picture and then Heisenberg, who showed no other outward emotions other than spite towards Dimitrescu. "You haven't bred her yet, Heisenberg?"

His eyes snapped to Miranda and they seemed to darken at her words. Sierra's moans from earlier filled his head, but he dared not show any signs that he had touched her. "No, as of now, I haven't. To be honest, I didn't truly plan on... breeding her, as you put it."

"The poor child probably gets sick to her stomach just looking at him," Dimitrescu snickered.

"Shut your fucking mouth," he snarled.

"Enough, the two of you." Mother Miranda began to pace again. "I will take the toddler from the village, but if that fails, I may have to look elsewhere for a vessel. The villagers are starting to bore me, most do not survive the Cadous." She looked to Karl as she walked by. "However, I will not be against the idea of you breeding the girl, since the last child of yours failed."

Karl's blood began to boil inside, and he felt the electricity in his veins throb to be released, but he only bit down on his cigar and said flatly, "I will not touch her."

"Will you not force her?"

Heisenberg sat up in his chair and growled, "You want me to fucking rape her?!"

"If that's what it takes," Mother Miranda answered, making Karl's jaw clench.

"Out of the fucking question. Forgive me, Mother Miranda, but I see no point in it. The girl has done nothing noteworthy of being able to have a child to bear your daughter's soul."

Lady Dimitrescu looked at him in disbelief then to Mother Miranda, who eyed him with an unreadable expression. "You care for the girl." It was not a question.

Karl sat back in his chair and took a deep inhale of his cigar, trying to think of an answer. "When you're stuck with someone in the same damn living space for a week, you get to know them. She's not worthy of being bred for your daughter's sake."

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