Chapter 6: Fire

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WARNING: This chapter mentions sensitive material such as self-harm. Please read at your own discretion.


Sierra woke up the next day feeling more rested than she had been in the past week living in the factory. The combination of her amazing shower, and a belly full of her own cooking did wonders for her. She used the washroom and stepped out into the kitchen. There were no signs of Heisenberg, so she went and grabbed some eggs from the fridge and began frying two of them.

She couldn't find bacon anywhere in the fridge or freezer, so she took some pork and cut them thin, and pan fried them as the eggs cooked. Once they were done, she roasted two pieces of bread on the pan, then made two sandwiches out of them.

As she was finishing them up, the door to Heisenberg's room opened, and he stepped out rubbing his face. Sierra looked over to say "good morning", but her voice was cut by what she saw. He wore low hanging pants and wasn't wearing a shirt, so his scarred body was exposed to her. His body bulged with muscles everywhere, and his hips supported the infamous "V". Sierra couldn't take her eyes away. Holy fuck, she thought.

Karl blinked his sleep out of his eyes and looked to her, and then raised an eyebrow as he caught her staring. "Well, good morning to you too." The corner of his lip curved up.

Sierra felt her mouth gaping open and immediately shut it, feeling her face grow warm as she finally tore her eyes away from him and back at the two sandwiches on the counter. "Erm... I made you breakfast," she murmured, clearing her throat.

Karl stepped over to her and sniffed the sandwich, but his eyes never left her face. Sierra dared not look at him as he took a bite and let out a quiet sound of delight, sending a chill down her spine. "Flavourful," he stated. "I thank you."

She grabbed her plate and turned away from him, going to the table. "You're welcome."

Karl swallowed and raised an eyebrow at her as she kept her eyes away from him. "What's wrong? Haven't you ever seen a man without his shirt before?" Sierra bit her cheek and shook her head, which caused both of his eyebrows to go up this time. "Seriously? Not even your boyfriends?"

Sierra scoffed quietly and bit into her sandwich, and this peeked Karl's curiousity. "You have had a boyfriend before, have you not?" When she didn't answer, he snorted. "I see. It explains why we haven't seen anyone come looking for you."

This made Sierra stop eating. She felt her stomach tighten into a knot as she put her half eaten sandwich down. He was right, nobody came looking for her yet, and on the rare occasion her phone actually got a bar of service, no messages popped up asking for her. Her mother had died from breast cancer a few years ago, her former co-workers never gave a shit about her, and her social anxiety made it difficult for her to make friends.

She was all alone.

Sierra lifted her gaze and Karl's teasing smile disappeared when he saw the look on her face. "What?" he asked.

Sierra bit her lip to stop herself from crying and said quietly, "I'm not hungry." She stalked towards her room.

Karl put down his plate and went to her, grasping her arm to stop her. He turned her to face him, his hands gently holding her in place. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" His thumb rubbed against her arm gently, but Sierra shrugged his hand away. "Sierra."

Her lip trembled. "You're right. Nobody is coming for me, and nobody ever will. Now please, let me go."

Karl's heart sank at her words, and he sighed deeply. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," he replied gently, rubbing at her arm. "I didn't expect--"

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