Book II, Chapter 5: The End of Miranda

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Apologies for the delay. It's been hard writing this without sounding rushed or clichè. I have a lot more planned, and I hope to write some more while I'm at work this week.


Sierra had watched from the top of the mountain as Heisenberg and Dimitrescu transformed, and the lycans and soldats began to fight. Even from as high up as she was, she could still hear them loudly and the sounds of flesh being torn apart made her queazy.

She had never seen Karl transform before, he had always been afraid it would scare her. Seeing him as he truly was, with metal attached to him and completely deformed from the megamycite, it did make her a bit unsettled. Sierra watched as he attacked Miranda, hitting her and being flung back, only to have Dimitrescu fly down and land another attack on her.

The sounds and cries were all overwhelming after a while, so Sierra went back inside, eyeing the two soldats that were wandering the area tensely, as if knowing what was going on. She shut the door and locked it, curling up in a chair by the fireplace. She had a hand wrapped around the necklace of all the trinkets Heisenberg had given her, and she tried her best to drown out the noises of the fights down below. "Come back to me, Karl," she whispered shakily, looking down at the necklace.

She picked up the sketchbook she had taken with her and began to draw his face. She missed him. Being away from Heisenberg for so long made her feel empty. They had barely left each other's sides since she had arrived in the village, Sierra had almost begun to rely on his company. She loved the man to death, and hoped that they'd be able to make some kind of future after this was all over.

By the time the sun began to set, Sierra noticed the sounds from the bottom of the mountain began to die down. Straining her ears, she heard the faint howls of injured lycans. Her body jumped when the sudden scream of either Miranda or Dimitrescu filled the air. Sierra felt a chill run down her spine. That was not a normal scream, but one that sounded like a mother losing her child.

Too afraid to get up and look, Sierra kept her head in the sketchbook.


Miranda collapsed in her normal form, her arms shaking and barely able to keep herself out of the dirt. She looked at Heisenberg and Dimitrescu as they both changed back to their original forms. Although they were both beaten and bloody, they were both ready to continue if Miranda dared to get up.

During the fight, Dimitrescu had managed to lift Miranda and body slam her back into the ground from a hundred feet up, right into one of Heisenberg's many sharp pieces of metal sticking out from his body. The blow would have been fatal for anyone else, but Miranda was able to scramble off. She didn't make it far, as Sturm had found her and fell onto her legs, tearing them from her body. The scream she had let out was what Sierra had heard.

"You... cannot... win," Miranda wheezed as she felt her body began to crystallize. Heisenberg had an arm around his gut, protecting the broken ribs he sustained. Dimitrescu picked up her hat and put it on her head, and offered Heisenberg his hammer as they approached Miranda.

"You've lost, Miranda," he snapped, leaning on the hammer. "You're done."

She looked at them both and let out a quiet wheeze again, knowing that he was right. The crystal had reached her stomach now. "Eva..." she moaned in grief. "My daughter... my baby..."

"Shut up." Heisenberg dropped the head of his hammer on her head, the crunch and squelch of bone and flesh loudly squishing under the heavy metal. Miranda's body twitched as the crystal surrounded what was left of her, and finally she was no more.

Miranda was dead.

Heisenberg stumbled backwards and let out a heavy sigh as relief filled his lungs. He looked around the field and saw most of the soldats and lycans were dead, but now that Miranda was defeated, the remaining few lycans took off. Blood and limbs scattered the field, crystallized corpses littered in piles together.

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