Book II, Chapter 8: The Ultrasound

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This chapter talks a bit about abortion. If you're uncomfortable with the topic, I apologize in advance.


Sierra barely registered what Dr. Morgan said before she ran to the bathroom and began to vomit up everything she ate. She felt someone hold her hair back as she heaved, even when she felt like nothing was going to come up. Oh god, please let this be a joke, she thought as she clutched the edge of the toilet, catching her breath.

Sierra sat back and looked up to see Chris had been the one to hold her hair back. She could see the note of concern on his face, but she ignored it as she slowly got to her feet. "Sorry," she muttered.

"I've seen worse than a bit of puke," he said with a slight ring of humour. He put an arm on her shoulder and helped her sit back on her bed, and Sierra crossed her legs and sat back against the wall, tears forming in her eyes. She still couldn't believe it.

She was pregnant.

"Sierra?" Dr. Morgan's voice was quiet and gentle.

"How far along?" she asked flatly, her eyes never lifting from the floor.

She heard Dr. Morgan sigh. "About three months."

Bile rose in her throat again, but Sierra pushed it back down and shook her head. "I did get your file," Dr. Morgan added, "about what your doctor said about your infertility. I had to double check myself to make sure I tested the correct person."

Sierra lifted her head and looked at Dr. Morgan helplessly. "I shouldn't be..." She couldn't even say the word.

Dr. Morgan smiled apologetically. "Were you and Karl very sexually active?" When she nodded, Dr. Morgan added, "Karl's body is not all human, as I'm sure you know. It is very likely that his own mutation somehow worked around your body's own issues and you got caught on a good ovulation cycle."

"I --" Sierra stammered, shaking her head. "I just... don't understand... I thought we were safe... I've had my periods every month."

"Did he ever assault you?" Chris asked firmly.

"Mr. Redfield!" Dr. Morgan snapped.

Sierra looked at him, shocked. "No. No, it was never like that." She turned to the doctor. "All of our sex was consensual."

"Did you use any kind of protection?" Dr. Morgan asked. When Sierra blushed and shook her head, Dr. Morgan smiled. "Well, if you weren't careful, you still had that one in a million chance, depending on how often you two had sex. And with how your ovulation cycles worked, having your period while pregnant is more normal than you'd imagine."

Sierra's hand immediately went to her stomach, almost protectively. "Does Karl know?" she asked.

"That's not our secret to tell," Dr. Morgan stated. Sierra nodded and bit her lip nervously, her gaze falling to the floor. "Ms. Brown, I will ask... did you wish to keep the baby? With how Heisenberg's body is, we don't know how it will affect you or your child."

The question bounced around Sierra's head. "I... don't know... I want to talk to Karl about it..." She looked at Chris. "Can I see him?"

Redfield shook his head. "Not at the moment. Somethings going awry with him in the past few hours since the doc examined him."

Sierra's heart fell. "Like what?"

"He's becoming more agitated as time goes on. He's sporadic and acting out. We think that the cadou in his body is feeling the affect of the host megamycite being destroyed, along with being so far away from the village. It's affecting him and he can barely control it." Chris gestured to her. "And now that we know you're pregnant, I'm not risking him lashing out at you and possibly hurting you or your baby."

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