Mini Chapter: Happy Birthday

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Hey everyone! This was meant to just be a bonus chapter, but I had later decided to just combine my two stories into one, so this is just a bonus chapter and then the story continues 3 months after this in the next chapter 🥰


It had been well over three months since Sierra had made the decision to remain with Karl Heisenberg in the factory. Things had been rough going for a little while, since she had to adjust her entire life to living there, but once she and him got into a routine, it had been fairly smooth sailing. She refused to ever go back down to the factory, unless she was bored and wanted a break from the apartment. He never forced her to go, knowing the soldats made her uncomfortable. When he did his thing, she would cook a meal, and try to find ways of improving the apartment's living space. She had managed to rid of all the rotted furniture, and made Heisenberg either go get new ones from the village, or he made them.

Along with adjusting to the new living quarters, Heisenberg had struck a deal with the Duke to bring her whatever Sierra had requested she'd need that wasn't available in the village. He was reluctant, but Heisenberg held Sierra's kidnapping over the Duke's head, and so the large man had no choice but to agree and get her what she needed.

On a day that Sierra had decided to keep Karl company down in the factory, she was playing around with her phone while he tinkered with some new machine. Even if she didn't say anything so she wouldn't distract him, Heisenberg was grateful for her company. Sierra was looking at some old videos when she got a notification on her phone's reminders. "It's your birthday tomorrow! Place a reminder for your big day plans?"

Sierra's eyes widened as she rechecked the date on her phone. Sure enough, her twenty seventh birthday was tomorrow. "Oh shit," she murmured in shock.

"What is it, buttercup?" Heisenberg asked, wrenching a piece of metal into the strange mechanism.

Sierra looked at him, and his back was to her. "It's my damn birthday tomorrow! I didn't even realize..."

Heisenberg paused for a moment. "Birthday, huh?"

"Yeah. I'l turning the ripe old age of twenty seven," she giggled.

He glanced at her with an unamused look. "Very funny." She winked at him and he shook his head and got back to his work.

Sierra looked at her phone screen's notification again, and she bit her lip. "Is there any chance we could do something tomorrow? Just the two of us?"

"Like every other day, buttercup?"

Sierra shrugged. "Well, I mean something we haven't done that could make tomorrow more fun. Maybe go for a hike or walk through the village. I'd like to make myself a birthday cake, but I don't think we have the ingredients."

Heisenberg whirled his chair to face her. "What's so special about the celebration?" he asked, waving a wrench around. "Congratulations, you're one year fucking closer to dying old and wrinkly."

Sierra frowned and sat back in her chair. "Jeez, way to put a damper on things," she scoffed.

Heisenberg scoffed and waved his hand before turning back to the project. "Sorry, buttercup, but celebrating things just isn't my idea of 'fun'."

Sierra looked at his back and felt her heart drop a little. She hadn't had an actual celebration for her birthday since her mom passed. "I was just... never mind, you're right," she muttered, looking at her phone. "Stupid thing to celebrate."

Heisenberg let out a grunt and didn't say anything else about it as he worked. Sierra sighed and got up from her chair. "I'm going back up to the apartment to get dinner started," she said.

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