Chapter 11: Giving Him Everything

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Heisenberg reached to the bag shakily, and undid the zipper. It couldn't be hers, could it? Sure enough, her clothing and some papers folded in one of the side pockets were inside. He took out of of the shirts and sniffed it. It was definitely Sierra's. If it was here, where was she? She would have needed the documents to leave the country.

Unless she never left the country.

Anger filled Heisenberg's head, and he zipped the bag closed before taking it and storming to the front of the carriage. "Where is the girl?" he snarled to the Duke, making the fat man jump.

"I-I beg your pardon, my Lord?"

Heisenberg lifted her bag in the air. "You know damn well what the fuck I'm talking about. Where is Sierra?"

The Duke began to sweat, but he held his cheeky grin the best he could. "I did as you asked, and delivered her safely off the grounds."

Heisenberg's eyes dug daggers into the man, making him shift uncomfortably. "I paid you to deliver her out of the village safely. Where the fuck did you take her?!"

"I don't--"

"DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME!" Heisenberg's voice boomed across the factory grounds, the worry for Sierra's safety filling every word.

The Duke's smile disappeared and he sighed. "My Lady Dimitrescu offered three times the Lei you paid me to deliver her alive to the castle."

Heisenberg stared at the man in disbelief and anger. "And how did the big bitch find out about Sierra being taken away?" His voice was low, and filled with a violence that he hadn't felt to anyone else but Miranda when she killed their son. "You were the only one I spoke to about this."

The Duke cleared his throat. "Well... It would have been a shame to have seen the girl leave when she didn't seem to want to."

Heisenberg snarled angrily. "She was meant to leave because of her safety, you greedy, ignorant fat fool! Now she's in the last fucking place she needs to be. For all we know she could be fucking dead now! Turned into one of that bitch's wines!"

The thought made Heisenberg's gut twist in a knot. He stepped back from the wagon and pointed at the Duke. "If I find out she's dead, I'm coming after you."

He stormed back to the factory without another word, slamming the door behind him. Worry filled his heart as he made his way back upstairs. She had left her bag in the back of the carriage for him, it was her way of telling him she didn't make it out of the village. "You smart girl," he murmured as he entered the apartment.

He placed the bag on her bed and looked out the window to the castle. He'd have to go during the night, or risk the big bitch catching him. If Sierra was still alive, he couldn't risk being seen or else it would write Sierra's death certificate right then and there.

Seeing no other solution, Heisenberg began to pace.


Sierra set the brush down and wiped her hands on the paint-stained rag as she looked at the portrait. She had taken a lot longer than she intended on it, but the result turned out absolutely immaculate. Compared to the phone's picture, she had duplicated it almost to a T onto the canvas.

She smiled and took a picture of the painting along with her beside it. A picture she was so proud of, and she couldn't even take it home. She prayed that Dimitrescu would be satisfied enough with the picture that she'd at least spare Sierra's life. She had soon come to think that maybe Dimitrescu had done this all out of spite to Heisenberg, which wouldn't surprise her.

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