Chapter 15: In The End

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Heisenberg didn't return for the entire evening. Sierra decided to make a quick dinner of pork sandwiches, but she ate alone that night. She left his sandwich in the fridge, heartbroken that he hadn't come back. The look on his face when he saw her fear around the soldat haunted Sierra's mind while she cleaned up and went to lay in bed to wait for him.

She put in her earbuds and began listening to music on her phone. Shutting her eyes, she let her mind empty and had the music take her wherever it deemed fitting. As the music drifted from song to song, the only thing that entered her mind was Heisenberg. He had taken over her heart, her body, and now her mind. She thought about how he cared for her, protected her, and used her body in a way that pleased them both. He wanted to keep her around, and she didn't help his concerns by being afraid of the soldat. She knew he would never let it hurt her, but she couldn't hold her shock when it came to life. It was... almost inhumane.

Sighing annoyingly, Sierra sat up in the bed, and jumped when she saw Heisenberg leaning against the doorframe, watching her. She took out an earbud and smiled a bit at him. "Hey."

He nodded his head. "Hey."

Sierra's smile disappeared and she wrapped her headphone cord around her phone. "There's a sandwich in the fridge for you if--"

"I'm not hungry."

She frowned at him as she crossed her legs. "Okay... then why are you staring at me?"

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm wondering what the fuck to do with you."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

He stalked into the room and stood at the end of the bed, his brow furrowing. "It means I don't know whether to fuck you or to kick you out of my bed."

Sierra's face grew red. "Well the latter preferably, but why would you want to kick me out?"

"Because you pissed me the fuck off today," he snapped.

"How?!" He sighed angrily, and Sierra got on her knees and crawled to the end of the bed and looked at him. "You think because I got a bit scared that it's a good reason to get mad at me?"

Heisenberg's eyes darkened as he stared at her, his jaw clenching. "You shouldn't have fucking come down if you were going to be scared. You should have told me to leave you up here. "

Sierra frowned. "Don't you dare try to gaslight me into thinking this is my fault," she retaliated. "Karl, what you do down there... it's not something most people in the outside world find 'normal'. You have to understand that it will take me time to get used to seeing the soldats like that."

Heisenberg shut his eyes, and Sierra ran her hand up and down his chest. She felt his muscles relax under her touch, and she kissed his torso. "I hated seeing the fear in your eyes," he said quietly.

"I'm sorry. It was just a shock to the senses to see you Frankenstein a corpse like that and have it actually work."

He raised an eyebrow at her, the anger gone from his eyes. "Frankenwhat?"

Sierra laughed. "A crazy doctor who made a body come back to life, called it Frankenstein's monster. Really old story, made for some good movies though."

Heisenberg smirked. "I guess you aren't so different from Frankenstein, then."

Sierra stood up and started walking to the bedroom door. "Seriously? How would that be?"

His hand grabbed her throat and held her in place as his body came up behind her. Sierra's breath caught as his other hand wrapped around her waist and kept her close as he nuzzled into her neck. "You play around with your monster until he awakens."

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