Book II, Chapter 4: Preparation

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"What on earth could be so important that you'd need to have a sit down with me in private, little brother?"

Dimitrescu looked over the rim of her wine glass at Heisenberg, who sat across the table from her, his eyes glaring at her. "Donna is dead."

Dimitrescu froze. "You're sure?"

He nodded and sighed, rubbing his face. "I found her in her bed with her doll. She slit her own fucking throat."

The two remained silent for a minute, the grandfather clock being the only noise in the large sitting room. "Such a shame," Alcina finally said, a hint of pain in her voice. "She was a good woman."

Heisenberg looked at Alcina. "Listen, Di-- Alcina. What happened to Donna shouldn't have fucking happened. Because of Miranda, she found no other way out other than to kill herself."

"You blame Mother Miranda for Donna's own choice?" Dimitrescu asked curiously.

Heisenberg frowned at her. "Don't tell me you're still going to defend Miranda after what she told us."

Dimitrescu swirled the glass of wine slowly, looking at the liquid as it spun around. "My family's loyalty is without fault, little brother. Even if she tells us she doesn't want us."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. She wants us dead so she can live with her daughter! She ruined our lives for her own fucking selfishness!" Heisenberg's voice rose.

Alcina's eyes darkened at him. "Mind your tone in my home, Heisenberg. Why shouldn't I just go to Mother Miranda right now and tell her what you just told me?"

He pointed a gloved finger at her. "Because you know it won't fucking matter. Miranda will still kill us, even if we told her the method to get her daughter back perfectly." He saw the doubt in Alcina's eyes, and he leaned on the table. "If we kill her, then we are free. Free to make our own god damn choices, and free to leave this fucking hellhole of a village."

He watched her look back at her wine and she downed the last of it. "Hmm," she hummed, "As enticing as that offer sounds, how do I know you won't just kill me when the job is done?"

Heisenberg sighed heavily and looked out the window towards the mountain. "I want to leave here with Sierra," he said quietly, showing a vulnerable part of him to Alcina that he never has before. "I don't want her to waste her life stuck here with me. I want her to get out of here. Miranda stands in the way."

Alcina's eyebrows rose, and she searched Heisenberg's face. She had never seen him like this for anyone before. He turned his head to her, and Alcina lifted her chin slightly, but didn't answer him. Grabbing his hat from the back of the chair, Karl set it on his head and picked his hammer up.

Going to the door, he glanced back at Alcina. "Just... think about it. Please." Alcina watched him disappear from her doorway and stayed in her seat, staring at the empty glass as the castle's front doors opened and shut loudly.


The next day and a half were busy for Heisenberg. He barely slept, working for hours on end in the factory. He only ate whatever morsals he had left behind when he brought Sierra to the safehouse, but his stomach was in knots until the night before the ceremony. Giving up on the soldat that had failed for the fourth time, Heisenberg headed back to try and get some sleep.

It was only eight in the evening when he crawled into the large bed alone. He smelled Sierra still on her pillow, and he sighed heavily. He was, honestly, terrified for tomorrow. He had a good hundred or so soldats, along with Sturm, ready to fight Miranda's hoard of lycans, but as of now, he'd be alone taking Miranda on. He doubted Alcina would change her faith in one night.

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