Chapter 12: Breaking Her Limits

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I commissioned the cover image from someone in a Heisenberg simp server. Thank you Clem for capturing this sexy scene perfectly 🥰


Sierra's heart skipped a beat as she looked up at him. "What?" she breathed heavily, barely catching her breath.

Heisenberg pulled out of her slowly, and Sierra moaned as she felt his cum drip down her ass as she dropped her legs to the bed. "I told you I'm done when I say I'm done, kitten." He leaned over her and Sierra gasped loudly as he rolled her onto her stomach with minimal effort. He kissed her shoulders and let his still slightly hard cock rest on her ass. Sierra shut her eyes as his hand moved down her side to grip her ass, and she gave a small cry when he slapped the cheek.

"Be a good girl and stay put," he growled in her ear. Sierra looked back at him as he got off the bed and untied the golden ropes from the canopy. Her eyes widened as he grabbed two of them and got on his knees back on the bed. "Now, face the headboard."

Blushing brightly, Sierra obeyed. "Hands up, wrists together." As she put them above her head, Heisenberg wrapped one of the golden strands around her wrists in a knot and tied them snugly to the headboard above her head with a second rope. Sierra's breath caught in her throat as he kissed down her back, but instead of fear, she felt excitement.

Using his knees, Heisenberg spread her legs so her back was arched, and he gripped her hair. Sierra moaned as he rubbed his wet cock along her slit, his other hand gripping her hip. "Now," he murmured in her ear, "my little whore. When you answer me, you say 'yes or no sir', understood?" Sierra nodded and he spanked her again. "What did I just fucking say?"

She whimpered and shivered, her hands clenching. "Yes, sir."

"You fail to answer me, or speak without saying sir, you get punished." He tugged her head back by the hair and bit her neck, making her shiver and moan quietly. "If you're too loud, you get my hand across your ass," he whispered, kissing the outside of her ear. "I have you where I want you, and I won't stop even if the big bitch walked in on us."

Sierra nodded slowly. "Yes, sir," she gasped. With a smirk, Karl shifted his hips and his cock slid into her dripping pussy, pushing the cum that began to dribble out back inside. Sierra's mouth opened in a silent gasp and her hands clenched together against the ropes. Karl groaned in her ear and his hand moved from her hips to her clit, and he started to circle it as his thrusting began.

"You're my little whore, aren't you?" he murmured in her ear, picking up the pace quickly.

"Yes, sir," she panted, her pussy clenching tightly on his cock.

He sat up straight and fisted her hair, arching her back as he began to slam his cock into her. Sierra bit her arm to keep from moaning too loudly as he hit the end of her. Her pussy squeezed him tightly, attempting to keep him deep inside her. Heisenberg groaned and slapped her ass, giving the cheek a squeeze as he watched his dick disappear in her. "Aren't you a good little whore, hmm? You enjoy taking my cock, don't you?"

Sierra nodded, barely able to catch her breath to say anything. Her body felt like it was on cloud nine, ever nerve set on edge and reacting to every small thing. She felt the tightness in her core not long after and she whimpered. "K-Karl," she moaned.

A hard slap to her ass made her yelp as he growled. "Use the correct terms, kitten."

Sierra's fists clenched and she bit her lip. "S-sir, I'm going to come."

"Are you now?" Karl let her hair go and leaned over her, resting his body against hers and gripping the headboard on either side of her. He kissed and bit her neck, making Sierra mewl in delight. Heisenberg's legs kept her open to him, allowing him to fuck her without letting her get much space to move. Having him lean over her as such made Sierra practically immobile.

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