Chapter 9: Is This Goodbye?

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"You seem upset, child."

Sierra looked up from the drawing and noticed Donna staring at her, the veil removed from her face. Her and Angie had come by the day after Heisenberg's revelation to get the second drawing done. Even though she was still a bit torn about the predicament with Karl, Sierra agreed to do the picture.

"Sorry," Sierra muttered, rubbing her forehead. "I'm not really all here."

"What's troubling you?" Donna asked.

"I bet Heisenberg was a dick to her!" Angie piped up from Donna's lap.

Sierra smiled slightly as she continued working on the drawing. "No, it wasn't Heisenberg. I'm just... confused about some things is all." Karl had agreed to let her have the space she needed to figure out what she was going to do, so she hadn't seen him since. Sierra's heart struggled with the wanting to leave, but she also didn't wish to leave Heisenberg. He had gotten under her skin and wouldn't let go. Sierra knew he wasn't good for her, but like all the stories she read as a teenager, she fell for the ones she shouldn't have.

She continued the sketch for a while in silence. Footsteps began to drift up to the apartment, and Sierra lifted her head as she heard the door open, and the thud of Heisenberg's hammer hit the floor. She watched him walk by, and their eyes locked for a moment before he turned away and she listened to the sound of his door shutting loudly.

Sierra sighed and looked back at her sketchbook, her heart sinking. "He's in a sour mood today!" Angie giggled.

"Yeah, must have been a bad night in the factory." Sierra shifted in the bed and focused harder on her sketch.

She was beginning to work on the final details when Donna spoke again. "He cares about you."

Sierra looked up with wide eyes. "Excuse me?"

"Oh don't tell me you don't see it!" Angie gasped.

"Heisenberg is not one for subtly," Donna continued. "He enjoys showing his distaste for us, but I noticed quite a difference between you now and the last time that we were here."

Sierra sat back against her headboard, biting her lip. "How so?"

Donna gestured to the two doors beside Sierra's bed that were open to the balcony. "That was not here last time we visited. Why would he build that for a room he isn't living in?"

Sierra blushed and fiddled with her pencil. "Well..."

"He also has not come and demanded we leave again, despite being uninvited. Most of the time, he'd threaten us in order to make us leave, especially if he was in as bad of a mood as he is now. He seems to care or respect you enough that he will not disturb you."

Sierra swallowed a lump in her throat and looked down at the drawing. "Plus," Donna added, "you don't seem to be famished, or in despair for being stuck here. It seems to me, child, that he has, for once, made room in his heart to care for someone other than himself."

"I..." Sierra didn't know how to answer her without agreeing with her. Donna was right, Heisenberg had sacrificed a lot of his personal space and time to accommodate her here. Not to mention the amazing orgasms he had given her were ones she'd never felt before, but those were an added bonus.

"You don't have to say anything," Donna said. "What Heisenberg does with you does not concern us. We are only here to get the portrait done."

"R-right, sorry." Sierra quickly finished up the details, signed it, tore it out of the book, and handed it to Angie, who giggled.

"Oh this one is better than the last one!" she explaimed as Donna stood up. "Thank you!"

Sierra smiled at her as she put her sketchbook away. "You're welcome."

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