Book II, Chapter 9: Seeing Him At Last

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This chapter mentions choking (not in a good way). Please read at your own discretion.


A day after Sierra got her ultrasound pictures, it seemed her body had flipped a switch. Knowing she was pregnant now, she suddenly felt the changes in her body. Not only was she tired from the stress of the past week, but her body was also adjusting to grow a child. It was still a lot to fathom, but Sierra would be lying if she said she wasn't excited.

She spent part of her day sketching, another part thinking of possible names for the baby, along with a list, that never seemed to end, of things she'd need. That got exhausting fairly quick, so she went back to drawing.

Around noon, a knock came to her door. Looking up from her book, Sierra watched as Chris and a balding man in a suit and briefcase stepped into the room. She could already assume that suits was a lawyer. "Morning, Sierra," Chris said, shutting the door as the supposed lawyer sat down in the desk chair. "How are you doing?"

Sierra didn't acknowledge the lawyer as she replied, "Fine, I guess." She wasn't a fan of lawyers herself, after one refused to help her mother with a lawsuit of medical malpractice.

"This is David Cormier, Sierra," Chris geztured to the seated man, "one of our lawyers here at Umbrella."

Go figure...

David cleared his throat and smiled at Sierra, but she didn't return it. He opened his briefcase and took out a set of documents stapled together. "Ms. Brown, due to the classified restrictions that surrounded the village, and your involuntary participation in being a hostage there, we --"

"I wasn't a fucking hostage," she snapped. David raised an eyebrow at her, suprised. "... Okay, at first, but I was given the opportunity to leave, and I chose to stay."

"Can I ask why?" he questioned, but Sierra refused to give him any more information. He sensed her hesitation and he cleared his throat again. "Well, regardless, we do have a contract that we will need you to sign before you leave the facility. It's a silence agreement to ensure that information of the village never leaves the premises."

David handed her the documents, and she took them, looking down at them. "In addition to this," he said, "due to a prior agreement with Mr. Heisenberg, you are granted a settlement for the six months that you were held in the village, for any unintentional pain and suffering inflicted on you involuntarily."

Sierra's eyebrows rose and she looked at the lawyer. "A settlement? How much?"

"Three million dollars."

Sierra's mind blanked, and she looked like a deer in headlights. "Why --"

"That was part of Heisenberg's deal," Chris said from the doorway, his arms crossed. "He wanted to ensure that you were taken care of after all of this was over. Granted, the original agreement was in place for months before you came around. It took weeks of revisions before Karl was satisfied."

"What about him?" she asked. "What did he give up so you could give me this?"

Chris rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. "David, can you step out for a minute?"

The lawyer didn't seem too upset about this, and walked out of the room. Chris turned the chair around and straddled the back of it, resting his arms on the back of the chair as he looked at Sierra. "Heisenberg's original agreement was to ensure he was given free passage out of the village when Miranda was dealt with. We'd help him find a new place to live, and let him be on his merry way with a few extra bucks in his pocket."

Sierra's gut churned and she looked down at the documents. "And he gave all of it up?"

Chris shrugged. "No, but most of it. When you came around, he came to us pretty quick and demanded the contract be changed, even though he already signed it. We worked on revising it to work in your favour, but he had to make sacrifices to give you that settlement."

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