Book II, Chapter 11: Reconnect

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Got some smut in this chapter 🥰 Just for you discretion.


For the first time since they arrived at the facility, Sierra felt hope. Karl began to improve almost hourly since she spoke with him, with eating the large meals the scientists provided, and getting the rest he desperately needed. Chris refused to let Sierra see him after that, since he was now strong enough and stable enough to talk with the scientists and others who were going to work with him. Dr. Morgan gave her regular updates on how he was, and she was able to access the TV to have it stream Karl's cell for her. Sierra was forever grateful for that.

She spent the evenings watching the TV, observing Karl as he would do things the scientists would ask. Whether it was bending metal, or information about the village and the soldats he created, Karl did it without complaint. Any time he was alone, Karl would sit on his bed and look at the ultrasound, and Sierra would always feel tears sting her eyes.

Two days after Karl began to improve, Chris and the lawyer named David came by. "The contract has been revamped," David explained as Sierra ate the chicken sandwich she was given by the nurses. "Your children will not be approached by Umbrella Corporation without yours or their father's consent until they turn eighteen. And Mr. Heisenberg, once his 3 months here is complete, will be under your supervision. Any issues that arise with him will be your responsibility."

Sierra took the contract he handed her and read over it. She read the original work and made sure nothing was changed, before she was satisfied with everything. She signed her name on the second page and handed it to David. "Perfect," he said cheerfully as he looked it over. "My work here is done. Mr. Redfield." They nodded to each other before Chris let the lawyer leave.

Sierra watched Chris as he sat in the chair, an envelope in his hand. "We've got a home for you and Heisenberg."

"Really?" Sierra's heart skipped a beat. Chris handed her the envelope, and she took out a picture of a cute little trailer house on a small piece of land. It looked fairly new, and she couldn't hide the smile that crept on her face. "Where is it?"

"About fifty miles from here. The lots there are shared with other new trailers that the other villagers have. So you'll have a few neighbours. It's got three bedrooms and two bathrooms, should be good enough for you and your growing family."

Sierra looked at the other pictures and saw that the interior was furnished and well taken care of. Immediately she pictured Karl chasing after a stubby little toddler screaming and giggling down the hallway, and she smiled more. "It's perfect."

Chris nodded and sat back. "You'll be leaving in two days time."

She looked at him, surprised. "So soon?"

"It's just about ready, we just need to finalize some --"

A knock rang through the room and they turned to see Dr. Morgan poke her head in. "Is this a bad time?" she asked.

"Not at all, I was just about to leave," Chris replied, standing. He looked to Sierra. "I listened to you when you said you'd be away from Heisenberg for three months, so..."

Sierra looked to the door as Dr. Morgan stepped aside, and Karl's large form appeared in the doorway. The sandwich was all but forgotten as Sierra stood up quickly. Karl winked at her, smiling broadly. "Hey, buttercup," he chuckled.

Sierra smiled and looked up at Chris. "You've got two days to spend together, that's all I could scrape up for you," he said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Just... keep the noises down."

Sierra felt her face grow warm as he and Dr. Morgan left the room, leaving Sierra and Karl alone. Immediately he went up to her and kissed her, and Sierra wrapped her arms around his neck as his tongue raked across her lips. She let out a quiet mewl as he bit her lip gently. "God I missed you."

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