Chapter 10: A Time of Regret

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"Don't be shy, child! Come here!"

Biting her lip nervously, Sierra stepped closer. Dimitrescu was far more intimidating the closer she got until she stopped at the bottom of the stairs. Dimitrescu grinned and nodded to the Duke, who tipped his imaginary hat to her and drove the carriage off. "Heisenberg rid of you, did he?" Alcina asked.


"Don't be shy, child! You can speak freely here."

"N-no, he didn't 'rid of me'. He wanted a better life for me."

Dimistrescu clicked her tongue and shook her head. "Such a shame, and to think you were starting to enjoy your stay here, weren't you? Not to worry, I actually have a job for you, if you'll take it. I will pay you handsomely for your artistic services."

Sierra's eyes widened. "My artistic services?"

"Why yes! That little creepy doll spoke much of your talent, and I knew I could use someone with your skills."

Sierra frowned. "To do what?"

Dimitrescu gestured for her to come inside, and Sierra knew she didn't have much of a choice. She followed Dimitrescu inside, and the Lady led her up a staircase from the main foyer to a library of sorts. "See that large space on the wall?" Dimitrescu pointed, looking down at Sierra. "I would like a portrait painted of my daughters and I together."

"Oh, I haven't used paints very often, but I can try," Sierra said nervously.

Dimitrescu's grin widened. "Of course! How much time would you need to get it finished?"

Sierra bit her lip and looked up at the wall where the painting would go. "Probably a few days if you want it as big as that space."

Lady Dimitrescu grinned and looked at the empty space as well. "Oh I have a canvas already set up and waiting for you! Come, I will gather my daughters, and we will get ready for the posing."

Sierra followed Dimitrescu, and felt unease in her gut as they went back down the stairs. All of this seemed too good to be true, especially since she was originally meant to be a maid here. Sierra doubted Heisenberg knew she was even here, he probably expected her to be out of the village.

"Girls!" Dimitrescu's voice boomed in the foyer as they headed to a sitting area. Sierra looked around and jumped when a cloud of what looked like moths flew into the room and formed into three young women, all grinning mischievously.

"Oh, is this her, mother?" one asked, circling Sierra. Her heart began to race as another of them sniffed her.

"Let me have a taste, mother!"

"Leave her be, my daughters," Dimitrescu said firmly. "She is not to come to harm, understand?" She eyed Sierra, and she knew that the lord was not telling the entire truth. "Come, we must pose for her."

Dimitrescu sat down in an elegant chair, and her daughter surrounded her. Sierra bit her lip as she watched them, letting her artistic mind take effect. It was either that or struggle with whatever was going to happen. "Maybe move a little closer to your mother?" she gestured to Cassandra, who stood to the left. The girl hissed at being told what to do but reluctantly moved closer.

Sierra took a deep breath when she knew they were all aligned, and she grabbed her phone from her pocket. "What is that?" Dimitrescu demanded.

Jumping, Sierra showed her the screen. "It's a phone. I was going to take a picture of you and your daughters so you wouldn't be forced to sit for a few days while I worked on the painting."

Dimitrescu's brow furrowed, but she waved a hand when she realized Sierra couldn't really do anything with it. "Very well."

The four of them posed, and Sierra took a couple of shots until she found one she knew would work. "Okay, I think I've got a photo to use."

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